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Hey guys, just wanted to grab your attention for a second! 

With 2015 coming to and end, I wanted to thank everyone who has supported me so much, it really is a HUGE help in my life, not just the financial backing but the ego boost that comes with loyal fans like you =)  Lets face it, 2015 was the year of Patreon.  I mean Youtubers, podcasters, cosplayers, artists... you name it...they all have a Patreon account these days, and I am so happy that you spend your hard earned money helping me do what I love! 

So for 2016 I hope to bring you more art, and improve my skills, create background plot and all that to give you the best Heavensystem experience I possibly can.  Thanks everyone <3



Nice to be appreciated. You are welcome. Happy New Year!


Thanks buddy, I just uploaded your picture for December, hit me up on DA with your Jan idea =) Plus I have a little surprise coming for you next month too =)