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Ok guys, here is a little game for you, the first person to correctly guess where I got the inspiration for this image from will get a free Inked (line-art) commission from me of a character of their choice!

What super heroine comic had an image like this on it?

Hints, the scene is EXACTLY the same but I changed the angle slightly, but the giveaway is the surgical equipment and the clawing of the nails on the table.  The comic where this image was published is over 10 years old (but the series still runs today)




This has been driving me nuts...... I still can't figure it out. I'm probably skipping something obvious


Well Steve got the amswer, if you need a hint you can check out his answer lol, btw did you see the Samus pic I uploaded?


I'll have to Google better.... And yes I did! I thought I put a comment on DA but I must have just really thought about ;)


I really want to say "Wonder Woman", but that might be too easy... Wonder Woman, Batgirl, or Zatanna are my knee-jerk thoughts, though. Maybe one of the X-Ladies? I'm not sure!


Haha, I figured. I'm curious to see if anyone gets it!


Oh, I swear I recognise that, but I can't remember where from. The 'clawing at the table' detail sticks in my mind, but I read so many comics I just can't remember which one it is! :(


I thought this would have been an easy one, but then again I loved many comics growing up


Ya me too, I think the best covers stuck out in my mind, I did have to look it up to draw this image, but it was by no means a rare or obscure series!