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Still toying with various ideas, these girls are going to be so tormented D=




Speaking of tormented (what an opener!) I have a curious question about the comic series! Is it going to be a single ongoing series, with a main storyline following a set of peril-prone characters, or more of a short-story thing, with different "chapters" being their own stories going forward? And whichever the case, are you open for requests and/or suggestions, or should we prepare to just enjoy the ride?


Well I had it planned out as short 'doujin' style comics although with a little more story and a little less 50 pictures or the same girl being plugged from different angles lol... But smaller bite sized ideas maybe 20-30 pages or so? Then move on to another theme, but yes I do plan on getting Patreon input on story direction for this one or future chapters. So far I thought about Heaven's prison for evil succubus, Blackberry's dungeon or the Dark elf slave mines but any idea will be appreciated