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As Im sketching out these pages for Hentai system, I want to know if you guys want to see Reed in bondage after all, or just Strawberries and Mint?  Reed would be captured too and punished, because he is a womanizer... after all Cherry gives him a nice shock for looking at her cute shoes XD

So what do you think, want to see Reed tied up yes or no?




Yes. Definitely.


Personally...I'm not really into GID, but if others want it, I won't decry.


Rather have just female DiD :)


That sounds quite entertaining. <3


Meh. Guys not my thing really

Mystic X

I'm not a fan of GID, personally, so i'm voting "Just the girls" ^_^


Meh. Guys not my thing really

J. McDermott

I can grok that it'd be something you're not comfortable drawing, but it's cool that you're considering pushing your own boundaries! I'd not be against it at all, but a Patreon is a funny thing -- you kind of have to stick to what most of your patrons want and significant changes to what gets put in front of eyeballs can alienate patrons. So while I'm fine with seeing GiD alongside DiD, I'm okay with 'just the girls.' =)


I am hoping to please the female fans of course ^_~ so it seems fair


Well GiD is fun because then I can imagine myself in their place =P


Of course my primary focus is on the girls, since thats what brought everyone here, and I aim to please, but yeah I'll throw in a few extras for the people that do enjoy that. I guess its ok because Reed is me/my character, but I wouldnt draw like anime guys tied up lol And I agree 100% need to keep my Patreons happy thats why I ask!


Personally guys make me feel icky, so I'd say no, stick to the girls :/


Ok, respectable opinion! My focus of course is girls, they are way hotter XD