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A sketch of the last picture for September (to be finished tonight I hope) Raya is trapped at Shackle Rock, and is about to be eaten by Pterodactyls!!  Inspired by my trip to hawaii



Anonymous (edited)

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2022-12-31 22:32:08 Wow, Hawaii's got the coolest land marks & wildlife!
2019-09-30 15:45:01 Wow, Hawaii's got the coolest land marks & wildlife!

Wow, Hawaii's got the coolest land marks & wildlife!


Pretty much! It's where they filed Jurassic Park, and I got your emails, I've just been under the weather since I returned, and busy as hell

Anonymous (edited)

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2023-04-07 16:29:11 Yeah, I don't believe that for a second. I think when you got home, you missed Hawaii so much that you tried to swim there & your wife had to drag you back. Am I close?
2019-09-30 20:24:36 Yeah, I don't believe that for a second. I think when you got home, you missed Hawaii so much that you tried to swim there & your wife had to drag you back. Am I close?

Yeah, I don't believe that for a second. I think when you got home, you missed Hawaii so much that you tried to swim there & your wife had to drag you back. Am I close?


Thoughtful of them to chain the pterodactyl food, since they usually have to chase it down XD


Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime, but chain up a maiden and... Actually I don't think that fits lol


The waters are so warm alit may be plausible, but I think it would just be easier just to buy a home there!