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Good morning everyone! Seems like this is a popular series, so what should happen next? Mandi is sold to Blackberry's and...



Hmm, alotta great choices here, but I'm gonna go with "Poldara imprisons both Mandi & Blackberry" cause what's better than having 1 large breasted slave? That's right, having 2 large breasted slaves!


That's true Blackberry does have the largest rack... Except for maybe this new mystery queen of Runecrest... So having two slaves is better than one if you can squeeze those large breasts into locking metal cups ;)


Like to see Blackberry getting into a little bit of trouble. :-)


Well now I'm even more interested in this unseen queen...for no reason whatsoever😆. And placing breasts into locking cups is but one of many things you can do with 'em, but I think the best ever was Stewie Griffin's comment of using them as mountains when playing with your matchbox cars. Maybe Poldara has some cars she can play with...


Poldara: I am ALTERING the deal, pray that I do not alter it any further! Oh wait, one more alteration hahaha you didn't pray hard enough.


I bet Blackberry has been up to nefarious doings...Poldara needs to put her in check now so she can't gain any more influence in the kingdom!