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Mint got a little too curious about a fancy book, and turned out it was cursed!  Anyone who opens it is sucked into the story and forced to live out the rest of their life as a shackled slave!!  



Mystic X

Talk about getting lost in a book... :3


"Wrong book."


Ya know, Mint could always hope it is like that probe on Star Trek:TNG where Picard lived a lifetime in a few hours. Then she could get someone else to open it after her turn. "Hey, look, you get to live an entire extra lifetime! Just one small catch ..." Hrm, best not mention the catch! xD


Mystic beat me to my pun, no fair! This is a classic fantasy trap that I'm surprised we don't see more often, what with all the inquisitive adventurers that go prying into mystic libraries and the like. I love the "oh shi-" look on her face as she's being dragged in! Hopefully there's some way to look in on prisoners and play with them a little?


More like Book of Binding.


It should be used more I think I mean how do you even deal with that? XD but now I think it would be fun to have her drawn in the book all chained up!


Also I can't believe I missed this in the last comment: love Mint's outfit here! Is this a new one, or am I just not remembering her adventuring outfit?


No its her classic one, it's been so long I haven't drawn it in ages! I should post some of the old cosplay photos here now that I think about it