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Hello guys.

For the first time in years, I will be taking a break, mostly because of burnout.

I've been modding these games for like 5 years already, and I feel like I should be trying to do something more interesting, I'm learning nothing new by adding content to these games and I need to learn more. I've been meaning to finish some personal projects and learn many other things for a long while, such as animation and NSFW/SFW models, unrelated to Illusion games (or any game really), so I will be doing that for a while. I will post the NSFW stuff here, my SFW stuff is tied to a completely different alt I don't relate to NSFW and I still have no good way to monetize it.

Perfectly understandable if you want to remove your pledge, as I won't be releasing any new mods for some time, and the direction of this page might end up changing. Remember to remove it before the month ends to avoid having to deal with refunds.

Thanks for your support all these years, and let's hope the burn out fades away.



Hi roy12, Thank you for making so many wonderful works. I liked the work you made the most among the mods. Personally, I personally think that Tamaki's mods are of very good quality. I think that it is necessary to experience various things to imagine something new. And I hope you have a good rest and refresh your mind.

サク リー

For all this years,HS to HS2,THANKS for your great work. (My english is not good)


I appreciate all the effort you put forth into your work and I'm looking forward to what you will do next . But for now enjoy your time and relax 👍