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Hey guys.

I decided to give Hanmen's Next Gen Skin shader a try again.

I included the card and the SSS/Nailmask textures. Since I didn't include an AI card, you may need to assign the SSS and Nailmask textures yourself in AI. They should work fine.

You can also of course load these on your customized Tina by loading the SSS/Nailmask.

Remember you need Hanmen's next gen skin shader. 

If you think the skin is too bumpy, try lowering the secondary normal map's strength. Didn't do so myself since I won't be using this much until the Graphics plugin supports loading presets automatically in the game (not studio).


No password or anything.

Have fun.



Alan B.


Saul Goodman

OrangeSpork's modified Graphics plugin included with his HS2VR release supports auto loading presets in game. If you're interested. https://github.com/OrangeSpork/HS2VR/releases

Saul Goodman

You don't have to install his VR mod if you don't need it, you can just download the HS2Graphics file.


Sorry for being a newb but where do I install the .png files?


See How to use in https://gumroad.com/l/qdgcK and for the head, change subsurface albedo to the included SSS texture, and nail mask to the included nailmask.


Weird, the skin just instantly turns black, kinda like coal, I can change its color, but I can't make it natural, doesn't matter how hard I changes the different color settings.


You need to enable the Shader first from Graphics Plugin (F5) > SSS > Check the Box. You will also probably have to tweak the image in the Post Processing tab, or use one of the presets under Presets. Also, unless you have a good GPU, you will lose a lot of FPS if you don't tweak the Post-Process Iterations, and Shader Iterations per Pass options. If what I just said doesn't make sense, read up on Graphics Plugin and don't use the shader until you do. SSS will vastly improve the quality of skin in the game if you understand how to use it, but could also make it look work if you don't.