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Hey guys.

Starting a new pool of girls to choose from.

This time I'm going with whatever girls from DoA 6 I missed, guest girls and VV girls, even though I don't care much about VV girls since they look really generic to me, they're fairly popular and requested a lot.

This means this pool is going to be fairly big, so it should last for this whole year and more.

Last poll's winners were Misaki, Lisa and Rachel, so these have been removed from the poll.

The options are:

  • NiCO
  • Kula
  • Tamaki
  • Naotora Ii
  • Sarah Bryant
  • Pai Chan
  • Luna
  • Fiona
  • Nagisa
  • Monica
  • Sayuri
  • Patty
  • Tsukushi
  • Lobelia

7 days to vote, one vote per patron.

Also, a reminder to please not double vote. If you have a Patreon subscription, please be fair and don't get a Subscribestar subscription so you can double vote.



I hope you'll do Miyako one day, just for old times' sake.

elle marr



The good thing about Sarah is that she can double as Samus as people use her model interchangeably in the SFM/Blender community :)))