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Hey guys.

Starting a new pool of girls to choose from.

This time I'm going with whatever girls from DoA 6 I missed, guest girls and VV girls, even though I don't care much about VV girls since they look really generic to me, they're fairly popular and requested a lot.

This means this pool is going to be fairly big, so it should last for this whole year and more.

The options are:

  • Lisa
  • Rachel
  • NiCO
  • Kula
  • Tamaki
  • Naotora Ii
  • Sarah Bryant
  • Pai Chan
  • Misaki
  • Luna
  • Fiona
  • Nagisa
  • Monica
  • Sayuri
  • Patty
  • Tsukushi
  • Lobelia

I don't even know half of these girls...

7 days to vote, one vote per patron.

Also, a reminder to please not double vote. If you have a Patreon subscription, please be fair and don't get a Subscribestar subscription so you can double vote.



Bro can you add panam from cyberpunk to the list pleaae?




Hoping Lili from Tekken gets transferred eventually but thank you for so much good work in the meantime always more than content. ^^


Will you be making Miyako (Kokoro's mom) in the future? I loved your model of her in the previous HS.


Tamaki... Tamaki... Tamaki


i dont see misaki appeal but whatever


I don't dig girls from western games, so nope. I believe someone else already ported her though.


We'll see, can't say I myself was a fan of how she came up.


i already have a model for misaki, tamaki and sayuri, i really hope they dont win

elle marr

voting for rachel to help her but real happy to see lisa has a following :D


I was prolly only one to vote for Sayrui, I couldnt resist the power of ara ara.

