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Hello guys.

Some of you might already know how Patreon has been cracking down on adult content lately. Luckily, I have not been affected by it so far, but seeing other creators comments lately, I feel like I'm stepping on a floor with LEGO pieces lying everywhere. I mean, you have to be careful even with what you write...

I've also been thinking of doing more than just mods, I've been working on my own models to do with them, well, probably animations at some point alongside releasing the blends and textures. But I feel like I can't do such thing while I'm using Patreon, because they just hate porn. Not to mention, Patreon some months ago was subject to a huge lawsuit which opened the doors to the platform getting sued by many others (they should have never allowed any political sides to get a platform here, but I digress), and that kinda lowered my trust in the platform quite a lot.

Add to that the stuff that happened with some japanese doujin artists, and my trust went below the floor.

So I decided to migrate. I checked various options, and Subscribestar (<-link to my page there) seems to be the best one, though it's a bit more inconvenient for me, as they can't get a partnership with Payoneer, and the post editor isn't as streamlined as Patreon's, but I'm sure with time they will get better (yeah, they have polls, I was wrong about them not having a polls system).

I know not everyone will be able to migrate (right away or ever), so I'm still leaving my Patreon up (unless I see there's next to no patrons left). But please do consider moving, as we don't know when Patreon might pull the plug on all adult content because their sponsors, PayPal and MasterCard hate adult content with a passion, and if I finally get to do adult content that goes beyond simple mods that don't "count" as actual porn, I can't post it here.



Awesome! Moved platforms

Alan B.

Potential issue, it doesn't look like subscribestar supports 3rd party payment options. I'm very leery of providing my credit card info directly to yet another entity.