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 Let's go with the next poll then. Options are:

  • Momiji
  • Helena
  • Mila
  • Hitomi
  • Leifang
  • Kokoro

7 days to vote, one vote per patron, like usual.

Good luck and stay safe.


A Lois

Keep up the great work:)


This poll can also be viewed as what kind of food you like. Hibachi, Crepes, Tacos, Schnitzel, Dumplings, or Sushi.




Helena... :'(


Would it eventually be possible to nominate Claire Redfield from Resident Evil 2?


can be also add Rachel?


Sorry, not interested plus someone else is already working on RE2 characters.


In due time. I'm making the polls relative to how much rule34 I could find of the girls.


Oh! Sorry to bother then, but who is doing the RE2 characters?


Hi roy, this might be off topic but I can't seems to find an answer to this. and this might be the best place to report this. Tina in HS2 seems to be the only girl whose head skin color does not change regardless of what I set the body skin color to. When applying an overlay texture on top of the head, the skin seems to match and work right there but after saving and loading her up again, her head reverts back to the pale color. Since I play with a custom DHH setting, I need to adjust her skin color to look natural in the scenes. Also, the HS2 download of Tina does not seems to include her overlay files, is that intended or an oversight? Regardless, it seems she's the only one with this issue so hopefully you can revisit her at some point. Thanks


The overlay files are the same as in AI, so I haven't included them. Like I told someone else who has the same issue, I don't have the issue you're talking about, so there's little I can do about it. Maybe make sure Tina is updated, as she got an update to use Overlay Mod and Material Editor instead of Material Editor alone, which would indeed cause the issue. I suggest bugging plugin devs to make a mm_base redirector for custom heads if you want this issue and others to go away, since then head mods wouldn't have to rely on Overlay Mod or Material Editor. I have tried commissioning this but nobody wants to take it since there's little interest to do so.


I wanted to thank you for the Listy/Risty model. She's my 2nd favorite girl from Queen's blade (well, maybe tied with Echidna). Do you think that you try with my with my favorite QB girl Claudette ?


Yeah, I'm stumped.... I went to your website and manually download the latest version (which is supposed to be v1.2 but the zip file still said 1.0? I guess it's just a typo). I deleted the Tina zipmod file from the sideloader pack and replace that with the new one. I even replace her cards with the ones in the v1.2 package but no dice. Her head always revert back to the default color when reloading, and the weird thing is I can see that the overlay is working so it's just the head skin color that seems to be the problem.


Glad you like it. I don't think I will, since that was a one off, while I did like how it turned out, I have never used it on any girl since release.


Unrelated to the RE2 request, but bruh.. your skill level is WORLDS ahead.


I want pai Chan in doa5 can you remake for HS2?