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 UPDATE: He finally changed his pages to at least credit the mod authors instead of posting DOWNLOAD: PM me at Patreon. 

Why was that a problem? DMing a creator is only possible if you pledge to said creator. So it pretty much looked like an attempt at making money of other modders mods. 

He later said he didn't know, but doesn't seem apologetic at all, calling people who went after him retarded and jealous because he's making $500 on Patreon and calling us, the ones affected, fucking stupid and childish.

Was it intentional or not? It most probably was, since he'd show more remorse if it wasn't but kept backpedaling with silly excuses, never apologizing and insulting everyone.  

Quite frankly, I'm content with him removing that shady wording, and I won't pursue the matter anymore unless he does it again.

Oh and this person has been banned from IllusionSoft 20-40 times, according to one of the moderators, so he also has bad reputation in the community.


Because I know you're reading this, this is OLD:

Hello everyone.

Today I write to you to let you know that this guy has been selling my and others mods. Even though mine are always eventually free, he doesn't care and sells them for $200 a pop.

Removed the link to his Patreon to protect feelings.

I told him to stop it or I'm gonna report him. If he doesn't stop it, then everyone feel free to report him. I had to pledge to be able to message him, so basically gave him $1 to fuck off, but he probably won't stop.

Had to drink valerian drops to manage my stress because of this. Been a while since I've had to do that.

Here ends the OLD message.





the frikking

Joder, increible la caradura de algunos, Patreon no te ofrece metodo alguno de denunciarle para que le baneen?


Le dije que deje de joder o lo voy a reportar, incluso si a mi me fastidian tambien.


Sorry to hear that. What a POS.


It's a terrible betrayal


Oh he knows. He probably got enough people reporting him (I did, for one), so he had to reevaluate how to continue cheating patreons in the future.But hey! Karma's truly a bitch and he'll be getting what he's throwing out there.


Is zafina currently difficult to make for HS? I'm asking because only zafina is not among the tekken characters.


It's nothing to do with difficulty. She came out at a time when I was already moving onto AI, sorry.


Dude, KameronFox is a legend in the nswf-sfm world. although, he should not be selling your products without a royalty fee.