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Hello guys.

Recently, my work has been becoming more demanding, so I've been thinking of removing the $10 and $5 pledge levels.

This is because I will be unable to keep up my pace like I've done until now. You've probably noticed that it's become 2 mods a month, and it's because my work has been getting more and more demanding.

I'm also tired of HS, pretty much burned out.

So with these things in mind, I think it would be best to remove these pledges, since they wouldn't do you any good, because I'm talking about soon maybe not being able to make a mod for a whole month or more.

The idea is to leave the $1 pledge level just for polls and keeping the site up, and maybe the eventual fanart or something, since I actually want to make models unrelated to HS too. Releases would become free for all from the beginning.

Another idea is to leave the pledge tiers, and whenever there's a new mod, whoever wants to enter that pledge can still do so. Previews to the mods will always be on the site like usual.

Of course, I'm gonna leave the final decision to you guys with a poll per pledge level.

I'm unpublishing the $10 tier for now until the decision is made to avoid any new pledges of this tier being made.

Have in mind, that if I unpublish a pledge level, patrons currently subscribed to that level will still have access to any post made with that pledge level. So if I made the change right now, you would still have access to any recent post made with that pledge tier. It would only mean that no new pledges of that tier could be made anymore.

The outfit mod I've been working on is still being published in this tier (today or tomorrow), so you still will be able to get it.

You have until May 30th to decide. Remember to remove your $10 pledge if you choose to remove it, so that you don't get charged at the start of the next month!

EDIT: Temporarily re-published the tier for the last mod.



Would we still have access to the discord server?


Do watcha like, I've had my pledge level more for what you've already done than what you do in the future, so handle watcha need.