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For everyone.

Hello guys.

Here's Nora, and she's my favorite milf now. 



Remember that you need MoreSlotID, WideSlider and BonesFramework working correctly.

The packed UserData is 1.2 only. 




  • Head Type (F) 200972066
  • Eye (F) 254972791
  • Eyebrow (F) 251972230
  • Eyelash 252972228
  • Face Type (F) 250972238
  • Lip Type 257972243
  • Eye Shadow 253972250
  • Cheek Color 256972111
  • Hair Back 201921264


Now that I had the experience with Lebreau, this one was easier to work with. She's got her face subdivided with what I thought were the correct creases set, and the normals are as close as possible to the original ones.

She turned out pretty cute and sexy, I'm glad. Her hair is pure sex, and the tired look on her face makes her look like the best milf. What an underrated girl.

I gave her a completely off canon body, because I like my milfs like that (like Etuzan Jakusui's or Orutoro's), feel free to change it as you want to.

As with Lebreau, she needs BonesFramework to work, since she has additional face bones for small customization and face posing.

If you're having issues with BonesFramework (such as the face being glued to the floor), make sure that your game is updated to the latest patch. Otherwise, you'll get an error similar to this in output_log.txt:

 BonesFramework: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Studio.ItemFKCtrl' from assembly 'Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. 

This error shows up when the game is not correctly updated. When the game is outdated, it's also possible for BonesFramework to conflict with some of Joan's other plugins. So, basically, please make sure your game is fully updated if you have issues with BonesFramework. I'm adding this stuff to my site's FAQ for future reference.

Anyways, have fun!

PD: The screenshot's outfit is Belgar17's, find it in the mods sharing channel of the Illusion Soft discord server .




ITT: Moms are tough

Grenot Guillaume

Thank you for your work, Roy, she is great once again


anyone can link me the belgar outfit? thanks


no reply? :(


Look for it in the Illusion Soft Discord server, linked in my Discord server's rules channel. I don't know if you can find it anywhere else.