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For everyone.

Hey guys.

Finally done with this one.






  • Head Accessory 350933206
  • Swimsuit 209920212
  • Swim Top 210101203
  • Gloves 212924104
  • Shoes (F) 215915211
  • Socks 214909211

Requires 1.2, since it makes use of the dual coloring function.

Requires GGMod of course, for the heels.


This one had me suffering with the high heels, because the way we deal with heels in HS kinda affects vertex normals, and after doing all the stuff I had to do, my normal maps looked wrong with these vertex normals. This doesn't tend to happen, but since these shoes were a bit more complex, it ended up happening and the mesh looked horrid in Unity.

So I had to do a lot of funky stuff to make everything look as closest as possible to what I wanted.

I also experimented a lot more in here with Substance Painter, adding stuff like scratches and wear for the plastic looking areas (or what I assumed was plastic from references lol). 

In this outfit, I've updated my 3 color shader again.

This time it allows to also modify the 3rd color's metalness. 

I also made a transparent variation of the shader, where you can control the opacity of the transparent areas. So you can reduce or increase the transparency of the gauntlets skintight area, the swimsuit and the socks (it's masked so solid looking areas won't be affected).

Oh and you can color the head accessory, yes, it just has one color so I didn't include it in the instructions (check the instructions image to know how to customize the colors ingame, since I did a lot of funky stuff with the 2nd specular color).

I will add the girl once I've figured out what hair mods and stuff I used, for now, have the outfit.




huy sr roy esta fantastico ese traje gracias


sera que es posible que en algun futuro pueda hacer este para mimiji <a href="https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&amp;illust_id=68612564" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&amp;illust_id=68612564</a>o este viquini doa xtreme3 <a href="https://i.pximg.net/img-master/img/2018/04/18/14/00/17/68287082_p2_master1200.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.pximg.net/img-master/img/2018/04/18/14/00/17/68287082_p2_master1200.jpg</a>


Do you take requests? I want to request a clothing mod. If you want me to pay for it, I'll do it.


Please check the requirements text file in the chara card, I think it's a vanilla one.


I downloaded the bonemod and I have all the mods necessary for the chara but she doesn't appear on my load character tab in the character select. halp if ya can plz


This mod is conflict with Eliza, fix it pls!