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Hey guys.

Let's do this one then.


  • Review expressions.


  • Small fix for normal map (probably not noticeable).
  • See if I can take specularity down a notch.
  • Does she have more hairs?


  • Maybe remake her UV.
  • Fit her current textures to new UV.
  • Fix twin tails physics script.
  • Change her expressions a bit.


  • Make it possible to scale head horizontally. 
  • Does she have more hairs than the 3 I included already?


Rules for the poll are the same as always. Patrons only, one vote per patron.

After these are done, I'll see about any other DoA girl, additional hairs for example.

Once this poll is done, I'm doing a poll for the next T7 girl.

See you!



Go go Tina. Btw, correction on my statement that DOAX Venus Vacation was only a simple browser game. I downloaded it earlier tonight from the official site and messed around with it for a bit. I had download about 3 gb worth of files for the install. Misaki is pretty cute; hope she makes it into the next DOA game.


Hi Roy. Thank you for sharing all these fantastic works. In last T7 poll Katarina was the second and I am waiting for her. I was wondering if the new poll means everything starts over again ? Also, I recently noticed that a new role named Misaki has been introduced in the DoA series. Do you have the plan to mod her in the near future ?


Yes, polls all start from scratch. I don't know yet if I'm getting that new girl in.