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Hello guys.

Recently, Patreon send creators an email detailing new fees changes.

This is what the mail says.

What this means, is that they will be charging up an additional $0.36 per pledge.

So, if you give me one dollar, patreon will charge 1.36 to you. And that goes for any other creator you support!

Supposedly, they're doing this because they received "thousands of support requests stating that the previous system was confusing". I don't see how it was confusing, they used to take from 7%  to 13% of the final payout for the fees. And most of us were just fine with it

Now they change it because I dunno lol.

I have to say I completely disagree with this new model, because it's taking more money from you. They could have just made it optional, come on.

Anyways, it begins having effect for existing patrons on January. And it will have effect for new patrons on December 18th. 

Your support means everything to me, but I'll absolutely understand if you have to remove your pledge because of this.

I think they've notified patrons about this already, but I'm letting you know ahead of time in case you didn't get the mail or have not read it yet. You can read more about it in their own blog post...

Thanks for your support as always, and let's hope the uproar is enough for Patreon to stop trying to fix things that are not broken. If it isn't though, I'll be looking for alternatives to Patreon...



Bro I'm not going anywhere, You keep delivering your A-class content like you always do and I'm sure you won't have to worry about anyone cancelling their pledges :)


I will still be with you, the money I give you may look less, but I'm sure we do not leave you.


Does this mean that I have to pay $ 13.9?


No, $10.74, since it's $10 plus the $0.35 plus 2.9% of $10.


Roy, my appreciation for your work compels me to be honest: of all the guys doing mods for HS hosted on Patreon, you're probably the only one that could make your mods completely non-public (at any point) and not suffer for it. Actually, I suspect your patron count would go up. So don't worry about the processing fee change; I doubt many are sweating an extra $0.74 or whatever for your work.

the frikking

I agree with the others, $0.74 are insignificant, you have my support, Roy !!