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Hello guys.

As some of you know, I had to remove the $100 pledge because requests were going out of control, and right now I'm trying to finish all the rest of them.

This of course meant that I get a lot less monthly.

While that does get me into a tighter budget, I had to do it because otherwise I wouldn't be able to put anything other than requests anymore, as it's been happening recently. 

I've also been doing characters I've not liked at all and outfits I don't really feel anything with.

There's also that I've had $10 patrons leaving negative feedback because of dissatisfaction with their reward, and rightly so.

So with all that in mind, I've made some changes to the pledges.

 $1 pledge:

  • Previews of work in progress. 
  • Access to Patrons Only channel in the Discord where I post previews of work in progress. 
  • If you're a Patron you should get the role automatically.
  • You can vote on polls.
  • You get the mod when the early access time is over.

New $5 pledge:

  • All the previous rewards plus 5 days early access to new mods.

$10 pledge:

  • All the previous rewards plus 15 days early access to new mods.

How it will work:

Mod comes out, I post it for >$10 patrons from the beginning.

10 days later, I make a new post for >$5 patrons upwards

5 days later, that post gets opened for free and I publish in my site.

Mods are never going to stay Patrons only forever though, and please do not ask me to make it so.

This is starting with any mod coming out after this post.

I've updated the intro text to reflect these changes.

Thanks for your support.



I can understand that it's hard to make a pile of things you don't like


I understand.Especial cloth feel nothing but requested.Just keep working on what you like is good enough.That is really valuable thing.No need to cater to the demands of the market.I'm telling you. What ever you do. Me and many of my friends are supporting you.Be happy&safe my friend~


I've been modding games on and off since the year 2000 so I know what it's like to get in a rut doing things you don't personally want to do. Trouble is, you've now made your $1 pledge level pretty much pointless (3/4 of the money you get each month is from this donation level). I can only justify the $1 level for personal reasons that I won't go into, but there is literally zero reason for me to continue giving you money now when I will receive your mods at the same time as someone browsing the pastebin. Voting in polls every now and then and having access to a discord which I don't have the free time to use doesn't cut it I'm afraid. I wish you well for the future in your modding endeavors and hope that not too many people come to the same conclusions as me and cancel their pledges like I've done after reading the email.


I do not understand much But I support you for months, I'm your Fan-club. It means I pay 1 dollar. I will not get a mods after 5 days like before.


You get it 15 days later now, but you're still able to vote in polls and see WIP.


Hey man kudos to you, I know to bust your ass everyday to make mods especially using Blender ,I tried it in the past and it is time consuming and frustrating. I understand you need to support yourself and make a living. Question is what would be the new stuff? most of your current requests I do not know where they are from or never played that game but not your Tekken poll, so I did not pledge higher,Should you do polls on what interests you and your paterons vote for it, like your choice of outfit or head mod?


I think I'm going to vary future polls a bit. For example, a while ago I made a Tekken 7 one, but the next one might be a Final Fantasy 13 one. Maybe even mix girls from different stuff. Else I might burn out. Outfit polls will probably not be from games though, but sexy stuff that fits into these games. Maybe stuff you can find in real life, or maybe stuff you can find in hentai Doujinshi. For outfit examples see Takeda Hiromitsu's doujinshi and manga, or Mizuryuu Kei's doujinshi and manga. Or search up sexy stuff on e-bay, but that might alter your search recommendations. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Damn nice formatting,Going to check it out your hentai and ebay suggestions and it is for researching purposes only. Oh FF13 never liked that game but I like the characters in a perverted way though. It is better to do mods you actually you care about than being burnt out by these current requests. Alright , I look forward to your future mods even if I have to send a few bucks along the way.


well thats funny because you already have make lightning and fang, soo that doesnt let alots of girls choice XD . i also agree with krusher in the point that FFXIII is not a good one imho. (you should take a look at sfmlab too for get some ideas, they are lots of grls (nude or not) and good . like senua (from the same game lol ) sheely (from bombshell) and else.. great reference website


FF13 characters suck ass, is it about personality not just looks.Also sfm models that are western looks like ass in Honey Select just look at Lara Croft Roy made she looks like she has down syndrome. Drawn Hentai for me is meh, do not really like it.


Hey Roy so free users get 2 mods per month right? That feels like a long time between getting new mods. and what is your graphic settings in Honey Select > Userdata > GraphicSetting< Config. Can you upload yours.


I been reading your comments for each mod you post on your website l, most people aren’t greatful for the mod you posted and request XYZ. Does that anger you? I am like too each comment nope nope nope. Lastly I looked at your request queue it is mostly suck but that lewd outfit nice!


I fully support your H-artists picks for outfits. They are outrageously sexy in 99% of the cases. May I also recommend a couple of H-artists with somewhat similar "aesthetics" regarding outfits? -Kon-Kit -Oda Non -Raita Honjou Hope you take them into account!


Bumped my donation from 1 to 5 dollars, just because I feel it just wasn't enough for the amount of work you are doing and the variety of characters / outfits you've done. I could've done it sooner but, y'know, life & stuff. As long as I can I'll keep my $5 pledge.


Eh, people asks for things all the time. My config isn't anything special, really, just grab the 4k diffuse pack, ignore the abdata folder if you don't want the 4k diffuses, and use preset #3 instead of the default one. Really, I don't even use a custom file.

the frikking

I have been a $10 patron for almost a year, and I,m very pleasd with your new pledge levels, but most important is that you can now have freedom to make mods the way you want, and make only the mods you want. I will continue supporting you, Roy, you deserve it !! Eres el mejor, Roy, sigue asi !!


There is no suggestion section, so place it here: Ehy Roy, do you think we can have the hair in the accessories category so that we can handle the coordinates? I also renew my request to raise the quality of facial skin so that we can match the Ex body of plasticmind. Which is a much higher qualitative level.It would be a good reason to change the level of pledge. imho.


Sorry, but I'm gonna have to say no to both. The first one means that I would have to manually put the hair in place ingame, which I'm not going to do since it's not 100% accurate. SupaCyan tends to do that conversion so you can wait for him to do so. And the second one requires the source textures to be 4k to begin with, which is never the case.


Bumped by pledge from $1 to $10. You do good work. On another note, do you think you may work on Misaki from Venus Vacation sometime in the future to complete the DOA series? The game just recently came out and I've already noticed XPS models for Misaki have been released.


Hey roy so no mods for the 1 pledge? just wonder..


Wrong. You get any mod 15 days later from the day it comes out, but you're still able to vote in polls and see WIP.


Hmm i cant see the previews and is that costume for marie out yet?


Most of the previews for that outfit were published in the Patrons only Discord channel. The outfit's already out.


i cant download it.. well idk if is time or do i have to wait more. Sorry to bother but all this changes are confusing the hell out of me lol and you do a heck of a job Roy.


If you're pledging $5 you have to wait until 10 days have passed since the mod's initial release. Once the 10 days have passed a post for $5 patrons gets posted automatically.


Ok and one last question , are you gonna do stuff for PH to i just wonder i have the game and is not that bad at all alot of us are to attach to HS lol.


Well, I've made a pair of things for it, nothing big, ported the best bikini I made to it and made a pair of body overlays. But so far, everyone seems to still prefer HS.

Jon Persson

Cool, you deserve the cash


It is. I don't know much about ripping models, but it seems people have been able to extract her.