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Hey guys.

Finished Ciri.



Password for the file:



  • Head Type (F) 200039
  • Eye (F) 254764
  • Eyebrow (F) 251201
  • Eyelash 252201
  • Face Type (F) 250207
  • Face Type (F) 250208
  • Lip Type 257215
  • Eye Shadow 253222
  • Cheek Color 256083
  • Hair Back 201228
  • Mole 259120
  • Tattoo Face (F) 258184
  • Face Wrinkle (F) 260093


There's two face types, the other one has the laugh lines in the normal map. I decided to make an alternate one without the laugh lines, and since I liked it more, I left it as the one used in the card. If you want the laugh lines, go to Face Type>Skin and select Ciri's other skin.

Also, you can remove the scars by going to Face Type>Wrinkles and selecting none, and going to Makeup>Tattoo and selecting none.

The hair, as usual for TW3 characters, is using a very rough alpha channel because there's tons of planes intersecting. Nothing new there.

Remember to download the card for your respective version of the game.


Now, here's the list of current requests.

  • Morrigan from Dragon Age: Inquisition
  • Sherry from Resident Evil 6
  • Helena's Goddess and Succubus Outfits
  • Marie Rose's Ruffle Bikini and Ayane's Purple Bikini

Regarding the poll for the next DoA girl to fix, let this post be on the top until Monday at least, then I make the poll.




Thx for hard work roy12


For some reason her eyes look all bugged out (have WS installed), any idea why that might be? If you Google "bulging eyes" it's pretty much like that.


Absolutely grateful and appreciative of your hard work and dedication Roy, especially to the high roller donations. That said I do have to echo a sentiment of yours in that characters from Japanese properties tend to translate better to the Illusion architecture/ Honey Select engine. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love and adore, Ciri, Triss, Yen, and even Lara, but something just seems to be lost in translation; I don't know if it's the meshes, textures or lack of the shaders native to their original games, but somehow ports from western titles just don't seem to port over as well as their Japanese title counterparts. Sorry for rambling, just wanted to let you know I'm definitely grateful for your work and proud to support it, but let's just say I'm glad that more DOA, Resident Evil stuff seems to be in the works because they just seem to come across better in Honey Select. Thanks again, can't wait for the next poll!


That means your WideSlider install is not actually working correctly. Reinstall it, re-patch the game, re-extract the card.


The original games use different shaders, so a lot of things are not going to look the same. If I use the normal maps as they come from the game, they look horrible, overdetailed. That doesn't happen in the original engine they come from, seems they handle normal maps in a different way, something else controls the intensity but I have no idea of how. The original games also seem to have a lot of nice stuff going on for the skin that HS simply doesn't have, like subsurface scattering. Gotta work with what you have, it ain't perfect but it's the closest I can get it.


Awesome job! Cannot wait to see Morrigan. :>


Absolutely Amazing work :)


Yea I totally understand and definitely respect the effort you put in regardless; the top donors are most fortunate. Technical barriers aside there definitely seems to be intrinsic design differences that make characters from Japanese titles blend better with the HS style, it's definitely apparent if a character is designed by western studios or vice versa simply based on the way they look, even in their own games.


Oh man, how I wish it was Ada instead of Sherry. :( Oh well, maybe one day.


Wow u will port Sherry, magnificent, I wish someone request jill from Resident evil 5 too




hey it says file not found for this one