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Hello guys.

Reference poll: https://www.patreon.com/posts/poll-next-girl-11726790 (I can't link it to text for some reason, Patreon's being derpy).

So, the poll's closed, and here's the results.

I had to download the results and check the votes, because by percentage, Marie Rose and Nyotengu are tied: 

Sorry about the crappy chart, I'm all for simplicity.

So, as you can see, Nyotengu came up first. 

Marie Rose was second by just one, and judging by these results, she would obviously win at the next poll. This means that I'll be updating Nyotengu, and then I'll go straight to Marie Rose.

Current requests:

  • Character: Triss Merigold from The Witcher 3
  • Character: Lara Croft from Tomb Raider (the one used in the FOW movie, not the cartoony one)
  • Outfit: Smite's Neith Outfit (I'll be doing this from scratch)
  • Outfit: Persona 5's Makoto Nijima's Biker Outfit (from scratch too)

There's still other 2 requests pending, so these would be announced later.

What have I been working on these days:

Just after finishing Yokko's outfit update, I started working on porting Triss Merigold. 

I made the freckles separated as always, and smoothed the normal map because she suffered from a bad case of pizza face. 

That probably happens because TW3 uses another map to control the strength of the bumping, but we don't have that here, and reducing bump strength in the material did nothing, so I had to smooth it. I will still give you an (optional) slot with the original pizza face type, but I doubt anyone will want to use it (it's ugly, I mean it). 

I also didn't have a decent specular map, so I had to make one from the diffuse. 

The hair will look the same as Yennefer's: A bit rough. That's because I couldn't find any sane way to order the strands, and even using a z-disabled model doesn't work very well with another model using alpha blending in this particular case.

I still have to work on the tears, revise the eye shadow one last time, fix the neck seam, make her teeth and tongue brighter (fix that I can apply directly to Yennefer later) and fix some UV overlapping at the hair that is causing bad normals. 

Should be done by tomorrow.

Things I want to work on eventually

I'll keep this section simple:

This slutty outfit (Takeda Hiromitsu + Gyarus = Muh dick)

These beaded panties

Anyways, that's it for now.

See you!



Wow that's nuts, lots of love for both Marie and Nyo Tengu. I loving the beaded panty idea ;)


Nyotengu 😍😍


Next poll, Ayane win.


I quite like the unsmooth face though