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Hello guys.

Sorry about not making it yesterday.

Some girls need a small normal fix that pretty much changes the order of the RGB. Depending on the original flatness of the map (they're all pretty flat) it might or might not be noticeable in the end.

Tina, Christie and Momiji might need a remake of their UVs, which also might mean working on their textures again. If it's too much trouble I might not do it, since it's more a technicality and it might not be very noticeable. Besides, I like how Tina is right now and it was very tough to get her to look like that, so I don't like modifying her existing assets much.

All the girls with long tails or ponytails need bone fixes (mainly positioning them correctly).

Some need a different physics behaviour for their tails/twin tails bones.

Anyways, here's the options and todo list:

Marie Rose:

Small fix for normal map (probably not noticeable).

Add ability to modify her head wideness.

Modify eye textures.

Modify hair textures.

Modify makeup.

Remove scalp from face textures and add it as part of the back hair.

Fix hair so that it doesn't clip with the new scalp.

Update hair bones.

Add additional hair.


Maybe remake her UV.

Fit current textures to new UV.

Small fix for normal map (probably not noticeable).

Add ability to modify her head wideness.

Review expressions (they're not broken, some of them are just the mouth closed when it shouldn't be)

Remove scalp from face textures and add it as part of the back hair.

Fix hair so that it doesn't clip with the new scalp.

Modify hair textures.

Update hair bones.


Small fix for normal map (probably not noticeable).

Add ability to modify her head wideness.

Fix face brightness.

See if I can bring the eyes a bit further to the outside (if I can't without clipping, well, I won't)

Remove scalp from face textures and add it as part of the back hair.

Fix hair so that it doesn't clip with the new scalp.

Update hair bones.

Add additional hair.


Maybe remake her UV.

Fit current textures to new UV.

Add ability to modify her head wideness.

Add eye texture.

Remove scalp from face textures and add it as part of the back hair.

Fix hair so that it doesn't clip with the new scalp.

Add additional hair.


Review expressions.


Small fix for normal map (probably not noticeable).

Review her eyebrows. Something's not right and I can't quite put my finger on what.

Remake the ability to modify her head wideness with current method (much smoother).

Remove scalp from face textures and add it as part of the back hair.

Fix hair so that it doesn't clip with the new scalp.

Update hair bones.

Does she have any more hairs?


Small fix for normal map (probably not noticeable).

Remove scalp from face textures and add it as part of the back hair.

Fix hair so that it doesn't clip with the new scalp.

Add additional hair.


Small fix for normal map (probably not noticeable).

Modify eye texture.

Review expressions.

Remove scalp from face textures and add it as part of the back hair.

Fix hair so that it doesn't clip with the new scalp.

Modify hair textures.

Update hair bones.


Small fix for normal map (probably not noticeable).

See if I can take specularity down a notch.

Remove scalp from face textures and add it as part of the back hair.

Fix hair so that it doesn't clip with the new scalp.

Update hair bones.

Does she have more hairs?


Fix hair bones.


Fix hair bones for pony tail.


Maybe remake her UV.

Fit her current textures to new UV.

Remove scalp from face textures and add it as part of the back hair.

Fix hair so that it doesn't clip with the new scalp.

Fix twintails physics script.

The girls not mentioned are pretty much fine in my opinion, so I'm not including them in the fixes list.

Now, you have 2 days to vote for this week's girl. These polls will be weekly, although I might make them sooner if I finish in sooner than a week with each.

Once the poll gets closed, it'll automatically publish the results publicly in a day after.

Patron only as usual to avoid cheating. One vote per patron.

See you!



Let's go Kasumi!!


When you get to Momiji, can you please make a long back hair for her? The long back hair you made for Rachel is similar, but it clips with her head. If it isn't too much trouble. Here's a vid of Momiji with long hair: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbrn9j_WOJg&list=PLtwI1Kb1amq3JrdGR99RRgWHT9Xmx5c1n&index=2" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbrn9j_WOJg&list=PLtwI1Kb1amq3JrdGR99RRgWHT9Xmx5c1n&index=2</a>


Sadly marie lose (really want her new hair T_T) but gotta accept the poll. Lets hope for the win next week


Damit, Rachel, I thought you were sexier.