THE FRI-D&D QUEST, Part 4: Tales Of Infamy (Patreon)
Here's a breakdown of just what all this vote game *really* involved:
I drafted a scoring system for each choice made:
Depending on [A] who was chosen and their popularity, they would [B] match against pre-set gains & losses in each location, gaining a total score, to [C] win or lose vs/ the enemies selected and [D] win -- or lose -- the scenario. Basically.
From all these outcomes, I look to generate art based around them.
At least a pic of:
A) The party chosen
B) A venture through the locale(s)
C) A pic of the chosen enemies!
D) The end of the adventure!
TONS of flavor text was written to juice up the process, so you'll get a ledger of the votes and outcomes in detail.
Scores! Flavors! More of these unnecessarily cool fantasy Fridays! SOON!?