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A funny thing happened on a stream about a month ago; there was talk of Fridays and fantasy adventures -- and several doodles, playtests and concept sessions later; the potential of another voting game appears!

Feb 15th, we're gonna see if a rag-tag group of fantasy-alternate Fridays can make their way for riches, power, infamy, and appealing to a very cute princess.

Who's in, who's out?  What field, dungeon or lair will they challenge?  Which foe awaits them?  You'll decide.


The thief class, and their rare prize, a banana top.
A thief, dancer, cleric, ranger, paladin, wizard and druid walk into a bar...
The thief class, and their rare prize, a banana top.
The mystifyingly hawt druid, a potential party member!
It's not all banana tops and see-thru tabards -- there's also danger and action!
A mock scenario; Feb 15th will have all the details!



I like Freya getting different tattoos to match the theme.

Brother Fluffy

Love Noir as a wizard! Also, reading as punishment? Yes please!


Actually it's the same tats as always -- but tattoo magic sounds like a *great* idea for Freya!...