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Late notice, but streams are postponed this week, for Thanksgiving, and the insane catch-up work I'm doing this weekend.  In the meantime, there's more rewards due up and further announcements on Friday!

Take a look at these crispy pixel-pen sketches and have a nice, relaxing rest-of-the-week!


Emerald doesn't know what a regret *is*, and would probably try to put a curse on it anyway.
MASTER SYSTEM DIAGNOSTIC [MSG] VA-00-1978-D:Cmk8 Chassis Mark 8: Mental Status - Liminal Subconscious: Performance check, standby.
When in doubt, go with your favorites!
Chase at a luau? Marigold vibing? All choice.
Emerald doesn't know what a regret *is*, and would probably try to put a curse on it anyway.
Mizuki and Matsuri. Naked, because yes.
The caption says it all. Question really is, just what did Freya, Raisin & Paul get into that night?...
November 25th. The best gift to give, is to get on your knees.



Have a nice Thanksgiving, dude!


Lovely sketches! And have a happy thanksgiving!