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Witchbuilding Wednesday is back -- but the question I have for you all is:
What lore would *you* like to know about?  

Witches?  The Ronde?  Magics?  What the Deneb's had for breakfast?  If the Mirror House (Let's Make a Witch) Coven know what breakfast is?!  Some things are easy to answer, others might be unknown -- or cursed!

I'll take whatever questions you've got, and doodle out unnecessarily detailed responses -- at least three good ones will get things going!  
Doodles and sketches may come during the next few streams, so take a look there as well!




-How does Magic work in the Ronde? Are they manipulating an ambient energy field, interacting with universal mechanics, forcing their will on reality or something else? -Do other sapient races exist in this setting? -What is the Ronde? -How do Witch covens propogate? Do they adopt children? Do Witches find suitable partners purely for continuing bloodlines? Cloning? -Is their an in universe reason for why everyone is so gosh darn sexy? -What is the goal of the Deneb coven? Why are they there? -What kind of threats exist in this world? -How about religion? IIRC we saw a cleric at some point, but details beyond escape me. What kind of religion is dominant? What structure do they have? Beliefs? -What is Zephyr Wood? What kinds of unique materials/flora/ore exist in the Ronde?


How does potion making work?