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Last but not least...
For MatyMaty! -- TAKE HEED!

As observed in the prior instance, quote: "...even less far-reserved (dare, risque) attire does not present any significant delay" end-quote; here is an example of the upper boundaries for attire risque, less-reserved, and by-all-accounts, beyond what is allowable in the public space.  However, there is need to correct one element -- the "significant delay" -- as it has been upwards of ten days of the Coordinated Universal Time unit familiar to most in this dimension; more specifically, 240 hours!  Were this not a dimensional medium (and 2-dimensional planescape) non-adherent to active progress, I would not only be sorely without resource, habitation, or means-of-exchange, but also woefully short of usable attire, and in a mode of communication ill-suited to barter for said useable attire, in even the most modest of configurations!  But disregarding that, the subject remains -- there has yet to be a depiction in either the optimal or risque wherein any swimming or submergence takes place!  So far.  There is ample confidence that such may occur within (x) period of non-adherent time/space, so whatever misgivings may exist, shall certainly be allayed with patience.  Indeed, with only determination to see examples of submergence (and strangely coincidental state-of-undress...), one can find a citation, dated exactly 9336 UTC hours prior!  And with my dear compatriot Tara, no less!  Shall we commence a count of UTC measures until another voyage through the medium azure occurs?  

FURTHER ADDENDUM: It may surprise some, but I find myself more and more enamored with the attire given.  Some might take my regard to be, at-best indifferent, or worse -- grossly offended.  But verily; my endowments are always best represented in a prominent display, at times and matters most optimal.  The gorgon would do well to employ the same tact, opposed to her desperate, constant preening!




Well said, Tess... I think. A beautiful way to end a beautiful series! Bravo!


absolutely lovely! and the text bit is amazing XD Thank you so much Cry!