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Ziggy, Ari, Tess and Tara's first forays on the page weren't just the printed issues, but an assortment of "short" comics.  "DM's Unscripted" -- where I'd start from zero; no script, no pre-draft, just drawing till I hit a wall, or the finish.  I'll be posting as many of the DM's Unscripted series as I can find, starting with the very first one-offs2, from as far back as 2008!

A much different time than the smooshy posts nowadays, but this month is time for other characters, like Juran and his little bro Marco, a.k.a. "Squire" to make their presence known!

Likewise, I want to bring these back -- come up with a new short, and keep going from there!  For now, patrons AND visitors -- enjoy!




Cool! These are fun!


Oh these are super neat! Can definitely see a lot of their character just in these few panels. Thanks for sharing!