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Hey all, apologies for tonight, but it's been grossly busy and I have an EARLY start to be ready for.  I'll be postponing streaming till tomorrow -- I'll be on at 9:30pm and roll on works until the early morn.

But, I wanted to share works completed, and works in progress!
Hal is a longtime fan from my old Deviantart days, and did a SPECTACULAR pic of Friday and Noir -- so I traded and drew his faves, OC's Jen (f) & Bradley (m)!

The commissions I called up for at the start of this month roll on, alongside the ongoing Patreon list -- it's a tall order, so I thank you all for your patience.
That said, the next Patreon request list won't go out until next week, to give SOME time to clear the queue.

I have big plans slated for July and August, so we'll see some early previews soon.
Thanks again for your patience, and we'll be back on air tomorrow night!




Thanks for the update! Cash & Noir are looking good so far!


Oh damn, hot stuff, dude!