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To all my patrons -- welcome and thank you for your support!  

To the 15$ tier folks, keep an eye out on your messages, please! 

A quick breakdown/reminder: 

-1$ gets you in the door.  Most major posts, news, and miscellany you can see here.  Ultimately, pages of the comic will be here for you to read, way ahead of schedule!(This will be slow going as there's a major event in October coming first!) 

 -5$ gets the same + every month I'd like to work up a themed image exclusively for this site.  Patrons can suggest ideas and vote on what the image will be!

-15$ gets a one-of-a-kind monochrome sketch of a Demon Mage, or associated characters.   As we go, I'll reveal more of the cast, and these can be as fun, cute or cheeky as you like! 

-200$ a month from patrons altogether means I devote a weekly stream exclusively to you all!  Watch live as sketches and monthly art comes together, talk shop, and hang out.  If you're coming here from my previous Picarto streams and multi's, then special guests will be a regular thing. 

Keep in mind:

-From here onward, the 15$ reward tier doesn't move until payments process first.  During that waiting period, I'll set things up so that once they *do* apply, work can proceed immediately. 

-Everyone who's submitted a request for August up to the 31st, you'll be counted for.  Those who've JUST joined as of Sept. 1st -- and especially as of this posting -- you're part of this new month's processing.  I'll do my best to be as fair as possible, so please be patient.   


That ought to do it!

Again, THANK YOU everyone for contributing!  A nice Saturday Sketch post is next!  See you then! 




Darn that cheating Tess! She gonna steal all the pie!