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The results are (finally) in!

Each vote counted for points, and with certain combinations, either added bonuses, or added to the pool of points for any one "Revenger" on the board.  Each name below has their score [in brackets].  In the end:
Tess [12] *DOMINATED* with a landslide victory -- she hit the point cap!
Tara [11], Tilde [8], Goode [9], Chassis [9], Faf & Fen [8] all advanced with clear leads!

Ziggy [5], Emerald [5], Freya [5] & Dysnomia [6] defended their spaces, but...

Kachoo & Radan [7] got their revenge -- taking poor Crimson [0] & Raisin's [2] spots!
The Revengers skimmed 7 points from the competition to put those two in the Finals!  
Farhat & Mizuki [7] were thiiiis close to making the cut, but couldn't make room!

Ari [4], Marigold [2], Kinny [3] & Chase [5] didn't make the grade -- but at least Friday, Ember, Dusk & Mona couldn't break through either!
With Tess, Tara and their rivals Kachoo & Radan for the Demon Mages, Chassis & Faf (and Fen) of the Black Label extras, and only Goode and Tilde to represent the Fridays & Denebs respectively... we have *one more* contest, for one more day.

In just 24 hours starting tomorrow at 5pm, we'll decide the First And Final OC Tournament Champion!  Because it's a race to THE FINISH LINE!


Apologies for the delay in results, folks!  There was a pretty in-depth... maybe overdone scoring system used this time.  You can look at the attachment and see the sordid details.

But luckily the last contest is EASY.  24 hours.  1 vote each.  8 options.  I have an idea who'll win.  But let's see how the numbers shake out first?



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