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And so, August comes to a close.  With it, another year of the Demon Mages has already begun.  

While I feel bittersweet about what hasn't happened yet... Instead, I'm going to just give a heartfelt -Thank You-, to any and everyone who's ever seen, liked, enjoyed and been a fan of Ziggy, Ari, Tess & Tara... their adventures so far, and the adventures that lie ahead.

Two issues of comics, a build of an RPG, an ongoing series of artbooks, tens of thousands of pictures, doodles, and illustrations; whole volumes of drafts, scripts, and even music...

It's up to me to make good on it all, and tell the tale -- of "The Demon Mages!"




Thank you for all your hard work. Here's to ten more years, and then some!


I'm glad to have supported your art for the past couple of years!