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Not long after Issue 2 of The Demon Mages was published, in the Autumn of 2011, I began a stint as a contractor with Lab Zero Games, and worked directly with Alex Ahad on Skullgirls.  Artwork cleanup, a few move concepts, and a Steam trading card were my claims-to-fame.

After that time came to a close, and Skullgirls premiered, my contracting work continued with brief assignments, successes and failures alike.  Contributions to projects from Imagos Softworks (Starr Mazer), promo work for Wayforward Games (Shantae: Risky's Revenge) and Tribute Games (Curses n' Chaos) came my way.  

Enough work was done, that I could gain a little social media fame; taking to Tumblr in 2013 and earning a solid following.  I was even tasked with more cleanup and concept tasks on Lab Zero's Indivisible, leading up to it's premier some years later in early 2019.  

I greatly appreciated the time and opportunities, and still work today to be a better professional than that time a decade ago.  

But months would become years, and all the posts and NDA's in the world still didn't solve a long standing problem... "The Demon Mages" hadn't continued.




I LOVE the key art you made for Shantae! It's so iconic of her, it's the perfect distillation of her tone/vibes.