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It's time for some more lore!

There's a Friday for every day of the week!  Tom Strano has been around for a while, but deserved an intro.  He's fine with it; an ace newspaper reporter is always on the move and isn't always in the spotlight.  Friday is probably the one person he sees the most of, and knows best -- strange since she's able to get around so fast!

Also, Freya lives in her top-floor apt. -- and across the hall are her neighbors and roomies-who-don't-share-a-room-but-do-share-their-spare-keys -- Paul and Raisin!  Raisin has been in requests already; but Paul's seen just as much of her since day one.  He's a bassist & event planner in a constantly renamed metal band, so try to catch a show with "EVIL SHΔPE" if & when you can!

Can you believe it?  More for requesting!  And Noir in a draw prompt!
Happy Friday, everybody!




These guys and gals are awesome, I love them all!

Brother Fluffy

Oh my god, Noir is KILLING IT in that outfit. Or any outfit, really....or none at all...