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The Demon Mages vs. the Deneb Sisters is coming to a finish finally -- look forward to the post this week!

That said, I'm going to take this time to get this house back in order -- with the holidays, and a lot of travel in store, I'm on limited time.  There will be no streaming this week -- but things kick right back off on Monday night, through till Wednesday, starting at 10pm Eastern at the latest!

I have a queue of posts setup for the weekend, but the remainder of rewards are still due ASAP.  Because of the slowdown, I'll be sending out 'end of year' reward requests this evening, so please check your messages!

Likewise, the final desktop will be short and sweet -- just a proper New Year's/Christmas sendoff.  But the vote block will go up Friday, so please look for that as well!  

I hope you all have a safe, happy Thanksgiving holiday in the States, and enjoy the weekend abroad!  



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