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EVERYONE here on the DM's Patreon, listen up!
Reply here with a suggestion on what the next desktop should be!
I'll choose the best three, put it up to a vote this Friday, and get started right away!  I'd like to pick one from each tier (1$, 5$, 15$) but the best ideas count first!

(Apologies that the December pic kinda fell flat -- a lot more ambitious than I was able to pull off!  I'll return to the pic soon enough though.)




Assuming it's seasonal themed, maybe we can get something Valentine's themed? Couple of the characters being cute and flirty. As far as DM characters go, anything with Leda, please!


Why not Faf & Fen or the DMs frolicking through some cherry blossoms for the spring season?


The other two Not-Demon Mages letting Leda cook whatever she wants to for dinner for Lupercalia (Leda's a werewolf, right?). It's starting to dawn on them this might have been a bad idea.


Gabby trying to surprise Tara with some valentine's chocolate?


I still like the idea of any of the DMs as a cupid. It would go well with the February theme :) If you wanted to go extra sexy you could do it like classic cupid-cherub paintings and just have wings, bow and arrows as the only attire.


Tara and Gabby in a chocolate bath.


Borrowing 8bit's idea, Lingerie Bowl!


I guess a Valentines day picture with the DMs and Not DMs


Maybe introduce people to the Deneb sisters with a desktop background of the trio?


This is a solid idea. Those three need a proper introduction.


Maybe the DMs making chocolate stuff with just aprons on?