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So, I don't want to take curiouscat questions or requests anymore due to the harassment I get on there, but I don't want to stop Q&A's, but I also don't want to make anybody feel obligated to participate, so I came up with an idea over the weekend that I think would be cool and I want to share it with you.

Q&A posts where I inquire your questions and then each question that's asked, I post a response and a drawing to accompany said answer.

This wouldn't be limited to OCs, but understand if you ask me a question about a character that doesn't belong to me, I'm going to end up mischaracterizing them and operate with my personal headcanon of that specific character.


In example: asking me a Super-Nova question would have me genuinely answering said question with lore accuracy since she's mine.

asking me a Chi-Chi question, however, wouldn't exactly have me answering said question with lore accuracy since she doesn't belong to me. 


You could also ask me personal questions and I may respond with an actual photo or a drawn picture featuring my avatar you all love so much.

The possibilities are endless and this could prove to keep you all engaged with my work which is my goal at the end of the day.


Regardless, I'll still keep drawing and posting every single day I have something to share, but with all these new features to patreon, I wanna see about taking advantage of them

If you have thoughts, you can comment them down below.

If you want this to be a thing, comment "yay"

If not, comment "nay"


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