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  After the death of Paolo, Jojo lost all will to resist. Watching his stepmother kill his father broke him on the inside, giving Azul ample opportunity to order the guards to force him into his laboratory and tossed him into a chamber. After this, he handed off Jojo to his personal scientist, Raven. Jojo's chamber began filling with enchanted water that froze his body in place, rendering him immoble as Azul instructed Raven that Jojo was to be the part of his Hybrid Soldier Project.

 Azul's hatred towards humans led him to come up with the Project while Jojo was only a child. The first subject was Jojo's own father, Paolo. The experiments failed, rendering Paolo a feeble shell of his former self, whom Azul decided to keep locked in his dungeon to rot, so as to keep up the narrative that Paolo left behind Cora and his children. After this failure, Azul set sights on Paolo's only son, Jojo. At the time, he was too young and not strong enough to withstand the experiments, but now that he was older, stronger, and more resilient, it was time to subject him. There was no sweeter revenge on Azul's part. If Jojo proved to be a success, Azul had plans to abduct all human male inhabitants of Hell City and splice their DNA with demonic DNA to make them, in his eyes, perfect beings.

  Azul left Raven to her devices and she unwillingly began the experiments on Jojo. Raven was against the idea, but she had been working on her own personal experiment that she wanted to keep secret as this experiment could change her life and give her limitless power. Azul's Laboratory was stocked full of top of the line equipment that could help her further said experiment, so she bided her time and remained obedient to Azul.

The experiments lasted a whole year. Every day, Jojo was impaled by needles, tortured by the splicing, and endured copious amounts of physical and mental pain. The entire time, all he could think about was Christina. That lasted until the memory was beaten out of his mind. His thoughts of her were now consumed with vengeance. Vengeance against the Demon King, Azul.



Union Jack

Dude! I LOVE IT!

Union Jack

That part about all he could think about was Christina, that showed he truly loved her!❤️