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Alan’s continuous jeers towards Rex were enraging him to the point the mountain of muscle rose to his feet, ready to strike. At that moment, Alan panicked and threw his hands out, stopping Rex with his magical powers. Still, Rex was barely contained by the spell and was still moving to smack Alan, albeit in slow motion.

“I don’t think you understand your situation here, Rexy, you’re a piece of property now! My property!” taunted Alan as he struggled to maintain the spell. “Hitting me will only make your situation worse for both you and your grandkids!”

Rex paused and unclenched his fist, softening his expression. “Grandchildren? I have…grandchildren?” he asked out loud, hoping for an answer.

Alan dropped the spell and moved closer to the giant girly man, punching him directly in the abs as hard as he could. Rex felt a slight tap on his stomach and looked down at the little guy. “I have grandchildren?” asked Rex again as Alan grew more frustrated. “Fuck, I still can’t physically hurt you! Goddamnit!” he screamed as he kept throwing punch after punch on Rex’s rock hard abs. As he did, Rex grabbed his cape and lifted him so the puny Alan was now eye level with him. “I asked you a question; I have grandchildren?”

“Put me down, you overgrown slut!” ordered Alan as he slapped Rex hard across the face, still having little effect aside from moving his head slightly.

Rex raised his fist once again, but Alan quickly threw his hands up, touching Rex’s temples and cast another spell. Suddenly, Rex was no longer in a lavish room adorned with decorations, but was instead back in a familiar cell. Looking around confused, Rex realized he was now naked and was guarded by nobody. Wanting to scream out, Rex quickly busted down the cell door and noticed his wrestling gear laying on the uninhabited desk. The confusion just had to wait because the priority was now getting out of this place and back to his beloved, Elena.

His muscles were sore, so flying out the window was out of the question. Instead, he ran as far as he could away from captivity, his blonde hair flowing in the wind. Every fiber of his being wanted to fall to his knees and cry out of frustration, but he knew he couldn’t stop. He needed answers and as if on cue, Alan appeared before him, donning his new magician’s cape he loved so much. Letting out a battle cry, Rex took a swing at Alan only for his fist to go right through him.

“You know, all those muscles, but no brain on you. No wonder you were so quick to willingly give your body to me.” he taunted, making Rex throw a barrage of strikes that phased right through Alan. “You’re only tiring yourself out, Rexy, I’m not actually in front of you; I’m in your head”

Frustration boiling over, Rex blindly flew into a fit of rage, trying in vain to hit Alan, but eventually tuckered out from exhaustion, bending down to one knee as Alan’s apparition stood over him, still not quite towering however.

“I clearly didn’t think most of this through and figured you’d accept your role in my new timeline, but I guess jumping ahead to my time was the wrong move, especially since you didn’t retain any of the memories of what actually happened after your super humiliating defeat to Demon God Azul.

Rex’s ears perked as he looked at Alan, trying to speak, but could only suck down air.

“Yeah, I know all about it, Rexy; I know how you were beaten senseless and then you were tortured, mauled, and humiliated in front of a live crowd. I know the Demon God took you backstage and I know all about his injection.”

The injection! Of course Rex had forgotten about it. He had assumed it was a simple anesthetic drug, but the reality of it was far worse.

“See, that injection didn’t alter your mind in any way, so you’re probably wondering what it was all about, yeah?” Alan went on, “See, this whole thing is part of my sinister plan to desecrate you and your entire bloodline. I can’t very well do that if your whole bloodline is known for being well endowed.” he declared as he pointed downward.

Confused, Rex looked down at his crotch and noticed there was barely a bulge there like there normally was. One of his favorite things about his gear was the way his nethers would press against the fabric and create a lovely looking bulge, but all he noticed was the bulge of his testicles. He pulled aside the bottom portion of his tights to reveal a shrunken penis, no bigger than three or four inches. “This?! What is this?!”

In disbelief, Alan explained clearly, “That injection was to shrink your fucking dicklet down to the size it should’ve been all along! Get the picture now, Rexy?! You’re not a real man anymore!”

“Not that you ever were in the first place. Tell me, Rexy, how can you even call yourself a man when you dress like a woman and wear all that makeup?”

Rex gritted his teeth and started to stand as he slid his tights back over his privates, “Real men wear whatever they choose to. Real men aren’t afraid to paint their faces. Real men roll with the punches they take in life and come out the other side a better person. Real men don’t ridicule others for not adhering to a set societal code.” said Rex as he flipped his hair and exposed his bulging pecs.

Slow clapping, Alan mocked him, “Oh wowee, big man over here showing me what a real man is. I bet you think you’re some kinda grand champion cutting a wrestling promo on an audience of morons.”

Rex furrowed his brow and crossed his arms. “You must be one spoiled child if you’re so bent out of shape for what I did to you in a possible future that you felt the need to make a new one.”

Alan’s apparition floated above Rex so he could talk down through his nose at him, “It wasn’t you who ruined my life, it was your grandson! I hate him! I hate him so much and I want to see him brought down to where he belongs! To do that, I had to break you!” he pointed down at Rex, his finger in between those tan pecs.

“So I do have grandchildren, where are they?” asked Rex before he was interrupted by Alan’s sneering.

“Not here! I don’t know if you noticed, but you’re back at that day. The day after your big loss to Demon God. I just transferred your consciousness back into your younger body!”

“So then I still have time!” spouted Rex as he began running through Hell City. As he ran, Alan followed, floating right behind.

“Oh, this is gonna be great! Go get em Rexy!” taunted Alan as he knew what Rex was about to see.

Rex ran and ran until his house was on the horizon. A smile curled onto Rex’s thick lips as he saw the house get bigger in his view. He missed his beloved, Elena, and was looking forward to seeing her and stopping whatever fiendish gesture that Azul was planning. “I’m not too late!” thought Rex to himself as Alan stayed a bit behind, snickering to himself, knowing what he was about to see. Heading towards the front door, Rex turned the knob and expected the door to open, but instead he hit his nose on the door.

That was odd, but then again, it’s not like Elena would just leave the door unlocked, so Rex looked for a spare key he’d left near the door, but couldn’t find it. Weird, the only person who could’ve known about that was Elena and she wouldn’t up and move it, would she? Finally, Rex regained enough stamina to manage a flight, so he decided to fly up to the bedroom window and surprise her, but instead, he was the one surprised.

Alan didn’t want to miss this and made sure he was nearby to see the look on Rex’s face as his heart sank and his lip quivered. “Elena…” he said meekly as he peered through the window at his lover’s legs wrapped around a pale blue body that was thrusting in her violently. Rex was trying to convince himself that it was force being used on her, but then he saw her face as she hugged the hulking Demon God while he had his way with her. She was willingly giving herself away to him without a care in the world or for her man.

Elena’s light brown skin pressed against Azul’s bulky blue frame. Her full breasts squished against his pecs as her curvaceous body took every inch of the big blue cock. Running through her mind weren’t thoughts of what possibly happened to Rex, but instead how incredible she felt being able to let go and be with someone that wasn’t him for once.

“Satisfied yet, Rexy? I see that small cock of yours just begging to be let out watching this” jeered Alan as he rested his small arm on Rex’s big shoulder.

He was at a loss for words and was more fixated on choking back tears of heartbreak. Rex let out a small whimper which alerted Azul to his presence as he slowly stopped thrusting into Elena for a moment, locking eyes with his foe as she worshiped the Demon God’s chest by peppering it with small kisses.

“It looks like we’re putting on a show for someone, my dear Elena.” said Azul softly into her ear, making her shoulders shift upward in ecstasy. “Should we let him know?” he asked, rubbing his nose onto hers, caressing her hip as he sunk his big, demonic cock into her tight, dripping pussy.

Elena, still in heavenly bliss from the pleasure, did feel a twinge of guilt wash over her when she saw Rex’s heartbroken eyes, but Azul thrusting himself into her was the more important feeling at that moment. She would’ve done anything to keep this feeling going, so she quickly muttered into her new lover’s ear “Your plan is going swimmingly, my love” cooed Elena as she gently shifted her body upwards, letting the throbbing monster slip out of her.

She stood shakily, dripping with love nectar between her legs, walking under her own power, albeit wobbly and having a hard time. Azul tried to help her, but she insisted that she be the first to speak with him. Moving closer to the window until her hard, dark brown nipples mashed against the cold glass, she lowered it and got very close to Rex’s tear caked face.

“Beloved, we need to talk,” said Elena as she caressed his cheek, wiping his tears as they drenched her hand, “You know that my heart belonged to you and I was looking forward to our union in marriage, but I think right now is not the time for that. Very sorry, Joaquin.”

The way she spoke to him sounded not like a saddened lover losing someone special, but more like a friend dealing with a minor inconvenience. The coldness was apparent to Rex as he looked at her and continued choking back tears, trying to not sob.

Alan whispered into Rex’s mind, “Get a load of this, it’s something that shocked even me, Rexy.”

“You see, I’ve felt this way for a while and I thought I’d have a little fun at your expense.” She removed her engagement ring and placed it on the window sill between the former lovers. “I can’t-” Elena covered her mouth as if to start crying.

“Elena, please, we can-” as Rex spoke, Elena started to laugh a little bit, still covering her mouth, puzzling Rex. “No, no, my love, we can’t.”

As they spoke, Azul wandered up behind Elena and broke her charade. “Elena, I agreed to make his defeat quick and painless and I’ve done that. You told me his sensitive spots and I took advantage of them.”

Rex immediately furrowed his brow as more tears began to flow, “Wh-what’s happening???!”

Elena turned to him and gently caressed his cheek, placing her thumb over his lips, “Shh, don’t speak, my love.”

Azul blurted everything out as Elena began laughing into his chest, taking her hands off Rex’s face, “What’s happening is you lost her before our match even began. I don’t know what came over her, but she approached me a few weeks before our bout and threw herself at my feet. As it turns out, she had a very vivid dream about myself and it must have been quite the fantasy as your woman bent the knee and exposed all your secrets to me.” he said as he played with her hair as her body shook from laughter, “We’ve been playing you this entire time and you were none the wiser.” revealed the Demon God as Alan laughed his ass off at Rex.

“All the pieces of my puzzle came together! I don’t know how I did this, but I did it and right here is where you break!” taunted Alan as Rex stared at the engagement ring as Azul fucked Elena against the window in his face.

“That’s enough torture for one night!” declared Alan as he pulled his hands from Rex’s temples.

Helpless, Rex let go of Alan as he slumped down to his knees, clutching his face, crying his eyes out. Not only was his lady with that monster, but she was with him far longer than he ever knew she was. Alan looked at Rex and shook his head. “Thought you’d face reality with some dignity, but I guess you need another night before you finally get it, slut. Nighty night, bitch!” jeered Alan as he shut the door behind him.

“Finally, got the big bad grandfather to remember his place. Now to beat up on his grandson a bit.” thought Alan as he walked off to another area in the castle.

“I’ll make this whole family pay for what they did to me. For that little fuck, Junior, making my girlfriend, Selena, turn on me the way she did. I swear!” he thought to himself as he opened the door to a young, curvaceous man with short, shaggy hair and his arms tied above his head.


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