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The area was decorated by several paintings depicting a family which Rex couldn’t make out as his vision was still slightly dizzy. He’d bumped into Alan on the way out of the chamber, but didn’t recognize him. Surprisingly, Alan paid him no attention as he closed the door to his chambers. There was only one thing on Rex’s mind and he zeroed in on it: his lady, Elena. He hadn’t remembered much, but he did remember how Azul promised to do something to her, so his priority was making sure she was ok.

Sweet Elena Esperanza, the love of Rex’s life. Sure, he had many women before, even a few men, but none had captured his allure more than her. Gorgeous brunette hair, delectable mocha colored skin, full lips that she loved painting with cherry red lipstick, hazel eyes that could melt an ice cap, and a figure to die for. She and Rex met once while he had been training for a tournament. He was so enamored by Elena when she lifted her weights. Her toned muscles bulged through her soft skin, her abs barely sculpted, and her thick, curly hair cascading over her shoulders, hiding her full breasts. Rex knew she was going to be the one for him. No way was he going to let that bastard, Azul, get his disgusting mitts on her.

He made his way toward the entrance, but was stopped by a familiar voice.

“Oh, Joaquin! You’re awake!”

A joyful smile perked on Rex’s face as he turned to face her, “Elena! You’re alright!” he exclaimed as he threw his large arms around her, embracing her.

“Of course, I’m alright, why would I not be?”

“You could say I had a bit of a nightmare.”

“Oh, poor baby, another one?”

Rex was taken aback by that comment as he never recalled telling her about nightmares before, but he shrugged it off and rubbed her back. “I’m just grateful to finally be back with you again, my love.”

“Oh, Joaq-” she was then cut off by a loving kiss from Rex. “-mhh..?”

She didn’t know what to do, so she simply accepted his kiss, even reciprocating a little bit. After a few minutes passed, Elena gently shoved Rex’s arms from her body and held his hand, guiding him up a flight of stairs. The entire climb, Rex expressed his love for her, showering her with compliments and couldn’t wait to lay in his bed with his woman. The happiness clouded his mind and fooled his brain into believing his humiliating loss to the Demon God was a simple nightmare. The moment Elena brought Rex into the room, he was greeted by a broad backside in a strained bathrobe. He turned to greet the couple, “Ah, nice to see you again; I trust you’re ready for another day of caring for our child?”

Rex’s heart sank in horror as he watched Elena slip her hand from his and happily run up to the man, kissing him with vigor. The gentleman was a deep blue and his skin almost glowed brighter for a split second as he made out with her. His large hand cupped her ass and squished the firm, but soft flesh between his fingers. Neither one of them paid any attention to Rex, who was furious and about to step towards them. “Not today,” ordered the man, “Rex, you leave now, I forbid you from watching us for today.” Rebellious, Rex took a step toward them, clenching his fist, when Elena turned around and ordered him out as well. “Go! Leave!”

His mouth agape, he couldn’t do anything except back away until the door to Elena’s chambers shut. As the hulking Rex stood there in disbelief, he heard another voice behind him.

“You’ve gotta be so confused right now.”

Rex turned to face none other than Alan, still in his magical get up. About to speak, he was cut off by Alan placing his finger on Rex’s large lips and ordered he follow back to the chambers where he woke. As they walked, Alan explained Rex’s current situation.

“The last thing you remembered was getting thrown into a cage, I bet. That did happen for sure, but it happened about 60 years ago. Don’t worry, I’ll explain everything.”

“A few months ago, I got into an argument with my mom. See, she’s dating this guy that I really don’t like and he doesn't like me either. She took HIS side over mine. You know, ME, her own child. I was furious with her.”

“Then I remembered something, I mastered this ability; to send someone’s consciousness into a younger body. I started trying it on my mom first, just to see if I could,” he went on, “and the first few times, it didn’t, so she just looked at me funny.”

As they walked, Rex noticed the paintings on the wall he couldn’t make out before, but slowly they were becoming clearer. The face he made out first was Elena’s. As he stared, he felt his cheeks grabbed by a smaller pair of hands.

“LISTEN TO ME WHEN I’M SPEAKING!” ordered Alan as he grabbed onto Rex’s hair and yanked him along. Surprisingly, Rex wasn’t struggling against Alan so much as he was bending over to his level, allowing himself to be pulled, much to his chagrin. What was happening? Why was he going along with this kid?

“Like I said, this ability I mastered! I used it on my mom and the FIRST TIME, it did nothing. The second time, same situation. Then, the third time, I managed to not only send my mom’s consciousness back 3 weeks, I also sent back a corrupted consciousness with my essence attached.”

“She was still her, but in her head were little things I said as I cast the spell like ‘your boyfriend is no good’ or ‘you should choose your son’s side over your boyfriend’s’ and wouldn’t you know it? Almost immediately, she remembered a completely different 3 weeks than I did.”

“The guy she was with called and when she answered, she told  him they’d broken up weeks ago. 3 weeks to be specific,” he kept telling his story as a smile crept on his face and he shoved Rex into his chambers where he lay before, “See, I learned that I could time travel and also that I could corrupt someone fairly easily…well it’s only as easy as their mental fortitude is weak.”

“People like my mom, and random girls and guys, I could slip my influence onto, but not everybody. Once I learned that, I started getting my way with everybody I wanted. There was one person who I couldn’t break, though, no matter how hard I tried.”

“You see, I know a time where you were a big hero, Rex. A time where you beat the Demon God and became known as the Legendary Rex, a hero who stopped the Demon God’s rampaging conquest. You went on to marry the woman of your dreams in one Elena Esperanza and you had kids. Some girl named Laura, who’s not important, and Selena. Selena went on to meet some guy and would eventually birth 2 children, Clara and Joaquin Junior. That Joaquin Junior is YOUR grandson, Rex, and he was the biggest pain in my ass for years.”

“I wanted him to stand aside and admit I was always superior to him in every conceivable way, but I could NOT break through his mind, so what did I do instead?”

Alan pointed at the painting on his wall which Rex could see clearly now to his horror.

“I went to visit that Azul monster and sent HIS consciousness back in time with a little influence from me! I brought out his innermost potential and sent him back to your fateful fight and I made sure he was good and fired up!”

Rex shook his head and tripped backwards onto the ground, making the room shake slightly from his large rump crashing onto the stone ground. He saw Elena with Demon God Azul, happily married.

“Jogging your memory yet, Rexy?! Instead of you being a hero now, you’re a joke! A washed up cuckold who gave up your right to Elena’s hand in marriage to a creature like Azul!”

“The best part is Azul, with my influence, decided to gift me something I’ve always wanted since I ever met your miserable, disrespectful, fucking grandson: The right to YOUR LIFE.”

“From the moment you were beaten like a little bitch, you became property of ME, ALAN! I own you! I own your family! You’re all my bitches!”

A tear began forming in Rex’s eye as Alan continued to taunt him, “Remember it yet, Rexy?!”

Rex held onto his head and memories began flooding back into his mind of what exactly happened after he was thrown into captivity.



God Alan is so insufferable. I hope the monster he created turns against him