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The wind swept across his pale, blue skin. Alone he stood, like a statue to be admired. The giant demon looked into the distance along the horizon. The death traps that were the Hell City mountainscape filled his view. Dressed in nothing more than his wrestling trunks, the Demon God, Azul admired the scenery.

Reflecting on his past, he thought of how most of his early life was spent in confrontation. As a child, he was thrust into a match by his father, who he admired greatly. To Azul, his father was an ideal male specimen, so he went to great lengths to make him proud. Winning conflict after conflict, he definitely earned his father’s respect and title of Demon God. The name struck fear in the hearts of all who stood in opposition to the blue skinned creature. One by one, they all fell until there was one who bested him.

Joaquin Joseph was his name, but the Demon God knew him by another name: The Legendary Rex. An attractive, blonde man, garbed in a hot pink singlet and matching headband; he rose to the challenge of the Demon God and walked away victorious after a hellish battle that threatened to end all life in Hell City. Expecting to be slain, Azul bent the knee and accepted his fate. However, Rex offered him a hand and brought him to his feet.

He never did understand why Rex did what he did, but Azul was sure of one thing: he was an honorable man. Because of this, Azul relinquished his title of Demon God and ceased any further conquest of man or land. Opting for a life of peace, Azul retreated to the outer mountains where he would live out the rest of his life. Still, though, he would return to Hell City every so often, not as the conquering Demon God, but as a civilian. There, he would meet many colorful characters, but none more colorful than a young man named Alan.

He couldn’t stand the sight of Alan as he’d always ask him nonstop questions and would be subject to ridicule that would only ever be silenced by Rex and his grandson, Joaquin Infierno. Gaining the reputation of an annoying brat, Alan was determined to prove his superiority to everybody, but would always come up short against those he deemed unworthy. A special hatred formed in his heart for young Joaquin Infierno and his grandfather due to their constant foiling of his many plots to take them down. Azul wanted no part of what Alan was selling half the time and frequently dealt with the boy stalking him back to the mountains.

The problem was Alan knew Azul’s history and was determined to recruit him as a sidekick to topple Rex and his bloodline. Respecting the bloodline, Azul declined every offer. Still, there was a part of him buried deep in his subconscious that wondered what if their fates had been switched. What if Azul were victorious on that day he and Rex clashed? A mystery that would remain for all eternity.

One day, Alan showed up during Azul’s meditation session, however he wasn’t his usual annoying self. Instead, he donned a wizard’s cape and a new, more sinister demeanor. He waited patiently for the blue monster to rise to his feet.

“I’ve got an offer for you, Demon God.”

“That’s not my title anymore, boy. You would do well to not use it,” warned Azul.

“You prefer Mr. Azul?”

“Yes, that’s more acceptable; now what is this offer of yours? I’m hoping it will result in you finally leaving me in peace.”

“Fine, MR. Azul,” said Alan in a sarcastic tone as he opened his cape to reveal his hands glowing bright purple, “What if I told you I could send your current consciousness into your younger body and give you a second chance...against The Legendary Rex?”

His dark blue brow furrowed at the suggestion, “How dare you mock me, boy.”

“I promise you, I ain’t mocking ya, I’m dead serious. I studied this ancient black art that gave me the ability to travel through time, however it only affects one’s consciousness. I could send you back in your younger body with everything you know today! I promise, it’ll be fun!”

“Do you comprehend the concept of honor, young man?”

“Honor shmonor! He took everything from you and I know he did!” sneered Alan as his glowing hands dissipated to normal.

“Such an act would be heinous and disrespectful to the legacy that Rex has created. I’m not about to alter history for my own selfish gain.”

“Oh, I think you will. You know that deep down you want to see that bastard Rex brought to his knees. You want to conquer again. You want to take his woman as your own. Corrupt his bloodline as he’s forced to watch until there’s nothing left but a family of whores.” declared Alan

“Leave, you disrespectful child. You know nothing of what I truly desire.”

An evil smirk formed on Alan’s face as he raised his hands, curling his fingers abnormally as the purple glow engulfed his hands. “What you don’t understand is I wasn’t asking you for permission. I was simply using a corruption spell that’ll bring out the conqueror in you. I want you to be fueled with the hunger, the desire to see Rex and his whole family bound in submission. Enjoy your trip, Demon God! Time Magic!”

Azul felt a wave of conflict overcome him. Unable to speak or move, he fought and resisted as much as he could, but the hatred in his heart began to awaken once more. Every resentful thought he buried under his honor came out; every twisted desire manifested into a strong need to destroy. His heart burned...and it felt amazing. The purple lights around him faded as he stood in his prime, younger body. Looking at himself, he felt more alive than ever. He felt sadistic; he felt evil. He was ready for anything.

“Hey, you ok?” asked a much younger Rex, donning his pink singlet and headband, ready to start the match.

“Never better, now let’s dance!” proclaimed the newly awakened Demon God Azul, ready to apply his future knowledge to the current match.



Damn! Alan trying to scheme