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At Azul's Tower in the

Laboratory Wing Mimi and Toto found themselves in chains and both of

their hands were wrapped in ace and chained together. Both were still

unconscious, but their clothes had changed to gowns only worn by

Azul's Harem. Several demonic scientists surrounded the two girls,

studying their x-rays and brain waves. Elsewhere in the tower, Lord

Azul was in his bedroom surrounded by a variety of beautiful women,

some demon, some human, some hybrids. His prized possession was on

his lap, bouncing furiously riding him and declaring him the King of

a New World. Her horns protruded from her head and her tail swung

freely as she pleased herself on top of Azul. The woman was none

other than Cora. He was in heaven seeing and hearing Cora moan over

him as it's something he'd dreamed of since he first met her.

Their pleasure was so

intense, they couldn't hear the screams of agony deeper in the Tower.

Deeper in the Laboratory Wing of the Palace, Joaquin was strapped

down to a table and was being brutally tortured. He found himself

incapable of breaking free as he used to, the bindings holding him

down were stronger than he was used to. All he could do was lay

helplessly as his body was lashed and scratched by some of the more

animalistic demons. As they tortured him, the scientists observed his

brainwave patterns and the chemical reactions to the injections he'd

received upon arrival. Once they were done, they took Joaquin and

tossed him into a cell, locking it and leaving him with a simple

protein bar and a small bottled water.

Having lost his appetite,

he kicked away the tray and slowly and painfully crawled over to the

nearest wall to prop his back against. His body was in agonizing pain

and he was bleeding severely from the lashes into the ace bandaging

they wrapped his body in. Pushing aside both the betrayal of Azul and

Raul, he tried to think of ways he could escape the cell. Suddenly,

he heard a voice in the darkness, “...Hello? They finally give me

some company and it's a loudmouth kid.”

The voice sounded hoarse

and raspy, no doubt coming from an elderly man. Joaquiin looked at

the darkness and responded weakly, “Why don't YOU try getting the

shit beat out of you on the same day you find out someone you trusted

was never on your side?!” The man emerged from the darkness, his

feet dirty and shackled together, his wrists looked as if they'd be

slashed through several times, and his body was skinny and frail. His

hair was long and gray and his beard had grown out, this man was

there for a long time. “Kid, I...” he took a long look at Joaquin

and noticed the lacerations on his body and then apologized, “Wow,

sorry. You're in worse shape than I thought.” The man limped

towards Joaquin and kneeled down, his knees popping in the process,

and took a good look at him.

“They worked you over

pretty good, I didn't go through anything half this bad,” he said

as he got a good look at Joaquin's face and then he gasped and fell

silent. He stared at the old man back, not in the best of moods. He

was getting ready to tell him to fuck off when the old man finally

spoke again, “Joaquin....? Is...is that you?”

He looked flabbergasted and

spit out some blood, “How do you know my name, old man?” he

asked. The man only put his hand on Joaquin's cheek and brushed aside

his hair, “I thought I'd never see you again in this lifetime...”

he said as tears welled up in his eyes. Jojo only became more

confused and started asking rapid fire questions, but ended up

coughing half the time. The old man threw his arms around Jojo and

hugged him close, sobbing into his bloody shoulder, “I've missed

you so...and Clara...and Cora..” weeped the old man as he finally

clued Jojo in on just who the old man really was.

His eyes widened and he

began to tear up as well, “D-dad...?” he said softly which caused

the old man to break down even more, “...I haven't heard that in

ages. It's so good to see you again, son.” The old man turned out

to be Paolo Joseph, the father of Joaquin and Clara. He was alive and

certainly not well.

Jojo had thought his father

died a long time ago, but here he was face to face with him all these

years later. It was like he was seeing a ghost. He had to make sure

what he was seeing was real and not a hallucination, so he bashed the

back of his head on the brick wall until it bled. This was no dream,

his father was alive. Paolo sat next to his son and began explaining

what exactly happened to him all those years ago. You see, he thought

he was going out on a job that Azul sent him on. Paolo would have

done most anything for Azul as they were lifelong friends, so he

blindly accepted out of loyalty for his friend. As it turned out,

Azul betrayed Paolo and had his men beat him to within an inch of his

life, shoving his face into the red dirt. Azul wanted what Paolo had

and he had enough of watching Paolo be happy and successful while he

worked under Azul. He felt a sense of superiority over Paolo and

informed him that he would live to see the day where his family

crumbled before his eyes as he enacted a new law that he'd been fine

tuning for years.

This law would make it so

anybody with demon blood in them, living in Hell City would be given

privilege over any human. His main goal was always to revert society

to the way it was before the Demon-Human War, before demons and

humans lived together in harmony.

Jojo took all of this in

and did his damnedest to bury his sadness and the overflow of

emotions pouring through his mind. He needed to harden up and he

needed to do it fast or else Azul would actually succeed.

It took everything he had

to break free of is bindings, which stunned his father. Paolo was so

proud of his son as he watched him break the shackles off his feet.

Jojo then threw Paolo's arm around his shoulder and lifted him, going

to the door and kicking it in. Oddly, the door was so flimsy that it

broke down as if it were a piece of Styrofoam, which raised red flags

in Joaquin's head, but he refocused on his goal, which was to get

both him and his father out of this prison. Paolo watched his son as

he carried him through the Palace, sneaking past all of Azul's

demonic guards and his harem. He was reminded of how he used to be

before he was stuck in that dungeon cell.

Unfortunately, Jojo slipped

up and was spotted by a member of Azul's Harem, who alerted him,

waking him from his slumber with Cora attached to his arm. Since

Joaquin was weak from the torture, the guards were able to apprehend

both men and held them until Lord Azul showed up.

“Ah, I see you've found

out one of my little secrets, Joaquin...or do you prefer Jojo like

those whores called you?” Azul said to Jojo tauntingly, pissing him

off. Suddenly, he felt a crack and fell to his knees in agonizing

pain. Azul had sneak attacked Jojo with a punch to his gut, cracking

the ace wrap and breaking his ribs. Paolo stood frail and nearly

fell, when he was propped up by Azul. “You, I do hope you enjoyed

seeing your son one last time.” declared Azul as he looked Paolo in

the eye, holding him by his long, gray hair. Azul then got an evil

idea and called for Cora, who quickly came down to him, half naked,

still smelling of sex.

“What is it my King?”

she asked as she noticed both her son and her late husband together

again. She was shocked to see Paolo in the condition he was in and

immediately protested, “My Lord, I thought you said you were going

to make sure he was well fed and taken care of?!” Azul immediately

became displeased with her backtalk and ordered her to come closer.

She did as told, but was still very angry with Azul for lying to her

about his treatment of Paolo for all these years. She was suddenly

cut off by Azul's lips as he kissed her in full view of both Paolo

and Jojo, disgusting them both.

“I swear...I'm going to

kill you..” uttered Jojo as he watched his stepmother lovingly kiss

Azul back, “...I'm going to fucking kill you, drag you out of the

afterlife, and then kill you again, you treacherous scumfuck!”

Azul broke the kiss to look back at Jojo, “Son, I understand you're

highly emotioal right now, but it's ok. We'll get through this.”

Jojo was even more disgusted, “You are NOT my father! Paolo Joseph

is my father and you took him away from us! From me!” he shouted as

the guards tightened their grip on his arms. Azul simply smirked,

“Not yet, I haven't,” he declared as he lifted Paolo up,

supporting him like a friend once more. Paolo was far too broken to

even respond and just stared blankly at his son.

“On your knees, human!”

Azul suddenly shouted at Paolo as he kicked his legs, forcing him

down to his knees as his women held Paolo's frail arms to keep him

upright as he kneeled. Tears formed in his eyes as he looked at his

son, who was crying along with him. “Son...be strong...” Paolo

said as he smiled.

Jojo was doing everything

in his power to hold back his tears. He didn't want his father to see

him weak. Azul then decided to make things more fun for him and

ordered Cora to be the one to do his dirty work, “On second

thought, Cora, would you do the honors?” Not as resistant as

before, Cora agreed, but when it came time to actually do it, she was

hesitant. This was the man she loved, had a life with, had a child

with. She wasn't so eager to take his life and froze up. “Do it,

woman! I command you!” screamed Azul at her, causing her to once

again ready herself to do the deed, but once again froze up. “Tears

began flowing from her eyes as she connected eyes with her son's

tearing eyes, seeing the plea in him for her to wake up. Suddenly,

Azul grabbed her hand and raised it, “Say goodnight!”

Paolo just looked at his son,

Joaquin, and smiled as tears flew from his eyes, wetting his beard, “I

love you son, I'm proud of you...”

Azul then forced Cora's

hand through Paolo's chest as he grinned. He pulled it back and in

Cora's hands laid Paolo's heart, which slowly stopped beating and the

body fell limp. She stared blankly at it and began tearing up as she

remembered something Paolo always used to say to her. “Cora, for as

long as I live, my heart will always be yours.” She then looked

further down to her wrist to see Azul's blue hand gripping it.

Joaquin just looked on in

horror as he witnessed his father's death and could only weep openly

as the halls of Azul's Palace echoed of Jojo screaming for his




Union Jack

I didn't know Paolo was still alive and Cora knew? And now Azul forced Cora's hand to kill Paolo?! Azul is more than an asshole, he's a monster!!😡