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To ensure that Jojo, Mimi,

and Toto wouldn't know that he was trying to apprehend them, Lord

Azul paid off lowlife mercenaries in the city that he, otherwise,

would have never bothered with. The Random Emo Cookies found

themselves fighting battle after battle against Azul's hired

mercenaries, coming out more damaged than the last. Though the

battles were spread across several weeks, Jojo, Mimi, and Toto came

out more damaged than they were when they first fought. Eventually,

Jojo sought shelter at his girlfriend, Christina's, home with her

younger sister, Ashley. He tried to convince Mimi and Toto to tag

along, but being the stubborn girls they are, decided it was a better

idea to hide out at Jojo's house with Cora. Clara was nowhere to be

found as she was out with one of her friends that day.

Cora heard several knocks

at the door and immediately went to open it, “Oh! Hello Michelle.

Tori. My son's not in right n-,” Mimi immediately cut her off, “Oh,

yes, yes, we know that Ms. Joseph, but we thought we'd wait for him

here if you don't mind?” Cora stepped aside and welcomed them

inside, “Oh, yes please come in. He might be a while, but I could

call him if you'd like?”

Toto answered her bluntly,

“No thanks, Cora, we just wanna hang out n keep you some company.”

Cora was taken aback, but pleastantly surprised that her son's

friends wanted to spend time with her. “Oh, that'll be wonderful!

Could I get you anything? Some whipped cream for you, Tori?” asked

Cora as she motioned for them both to have a seat anywhere they

liked. “...Tempting, but not today. I'm kinda not in the mood,”

responded Toto as she folded her arms, plopping onto the sofa as Mimi

sat down properly and crossed her legs. “Im sorry for Toto, she's

been kinda on edge lately with all the commotion going on in the

city,” Mimi explained to Cora, hoping that Toto would behave


Cora made her way to the

kitchen to grab something to drink for the girls, but maintained the

conversation, “Yes, I heard that Lord Azul offered you guys a job

under him, but you declined?” Toto blurted out rather impolitely,

“We don't wanna answer to anybody, that's not why we started this

group. We just wanna help people and kick some ass doing it.” Mimi

shamefully placed her hand against her face and sunk in her seat as

she attempted to apologize for Toto again, “I'm sorry again, Ms.

Cora...” “It's perfectly fine, Michelle,” responded Cora, “The

thing is, I think you guys should have taken the job. It would've

helped all of you out tremendously,” she continued as she came back

holding 2 cups on a tray, placing it down on the coffee table in

front of the sofa.

Mimi quickly grabbed for

the drink, “Thanks so much, I could use something refreshing.”

Toto ignored the drinks and continued tapping her foot in the air as

she laid out on the couch. Not forgetting what Cora said, Mimi spoke

for the both of them, “I get where you're coming from, but we've

seen what it's like working under him. Plus, I'd imagine you'd want

Jojo to stay as far away from working under Azul as possible

considering what happened to his dad,” she then took a sip of her


Cora, clearly agitated, but

maintaining a friendly, yet motherly tone responded, “I'd

appreciate it if you didn't bring that up. I understand why you did,

but please, never again. “Fair enough,” replied Mimi as she took

another sip. Toto immediately popped up from the couch and shifted

her eyes around. “Call me crazy, but something feels kind of off

about this,” she said, thinking out loud. Cora looked at her

confused, “What do you mean, Tori?” “I mean, I feel uneasy

about being here. What if someone attacks and you get hurt in the

crossfire? These demons we've been fighting seem to know a bit about

us since they've been getting at us when we're not on patrol,” said

Toto as she looked around some more.

Mimi reassured Toto, “Look,

if they do, I'm betting Azul will dispatch a team to protect this

place considering who all lives here.” Cora immediately got a spark

in her eye as she licked her lips and gripped the fabric of her green

house-dress. “Yes he will,” responded Cora, uncharacteristically

quieter than usual. As soon as she said that, Lord Azul himself came

down the stairs, from Jojo's room, speaking to Cora as he did, “Cora,

there was nothing in that room I could find that was of use, we'll

have to go ahead as planned.” Immediately, he shifted his white

eyes to both Mimi and Toto, “Oh, hello there, girls. Trust you've

been good today?” “We've been good, I promise,” responded Mimi

as she took another drink. Toto, on the other hand, was filled with

questions, “Uh, Azul, what were you doing in Jojo's room?”

Cora, changing her tone,

uncharacteristically scolded Toto, “Tori, you should really address

Lord Azul by his proper title.” Mimi hesitantly agreed as to not

cause trouble. Cora then rose to her feet and walked over to Lord

Azul, placing her hands on his chest and inching her body closer to

his as Toto and Mimi looked on, wondering what was happening. Lord

Azul's lips touched Cora's and they kissed as if it had been ages

since either of them kissed another living being. Mimi was about to

address them, but she suddenly locked up and fell from her seat,

crashing onto the ground and spilling the rest of her drink,

shattering the glass it was contained in.

Toto panicked and rushed to

Mimi's side, shaking her, trying to wake her up. “It's ok, she's

still alive. I just needed her to be asleep is all,” said Lord Azul

from behind. Toto looked back up at him and was greeted with the

sight of Cora looking slightly more demonic. Black horns were now

poking out from behind her bangs and her orange eyes were glowing

slightly. She had an arm around Lord Azul's waist and his hand was

gripping her side. “What the hell's going on?!,” screamed Toto as

she backed away with Mimi in her arms. Cora took the initiative, “You

should mind your manners and respect your elders, little girl.”

“Lord Azul needs the both of you as you're the last magical beings

in Hell City.” continued Cora as she lightly scratched down Lord

Azul's abs.

“It's time to go, Tori.

Don't make me have to take you back to the palace by force.”

declared Azul as he fondled Cora. Toto gently laid Mimi down and

charged Azul, only to be quickly subdued by Cora, who grabbed the

drink she laid out earlier and, with pinpoint accuracy, forced the

liquid down Toto's throat, rendering her unconscious. “I think I

may have a different purpose for her. We'll just use the red headed

one.” said Azul to Cora as he lifted both girls over his shoulders.

“I've already sent my best man to apprehend Joaquin. Once we have

him, the experiments can begin,” declared Azul as he walked towards

the front door. “Can I come with you, my King?” asked Cora with

pleading eyes, hugging Azul's leg. With a smirk, Azul responded, “Of

course you may, my Queen.”



Union Jack

OMG, Azul has Cora under his spell!! That BASTARD!!!😡