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I added some text to add to the narration. The idea is obviously that she's narrating the events happening to her. I want to delve into her mindset as she's experiencing this so that ya'll get a look into her mind as she's being dominated by this guy.

I planned on naming this guy Lucifer, but I don't know if I'll stick with that. The reason I named him Lucifer is because he's the original leader of Hell City before Azul took over and has now returned to reclaim his throne and wants Boobgirl as his queen.

If you guys have better ideas for names, let me know here. As usual, please leave your feedback on this particular page and let me know what positions or angles you'd like to see in the next page, if any.




If you're on the fence about Lucifer, you could always skim through some research of other dark/demonic figures from other mythologies. That's sometimes my go-to move when character developing.