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After she was done sucking his large cock, Remy-Wren sat on a cushion and spread her legs wide for Jojo to see. As Azul looked on, Jojo sadistically smirked and gripped Remy-Wren's plump ass and went to down on her icy, blue pussy. The sensations surged throughout Remy's body and she let out a pleasing quiver for her presumably new husband. She looked down at Jojo's head between her legs and then back at Azul's soul and laughed while receiving the best oral sex she'd ever had. She looked forward to Jojo claiming her as his own right in front of Azul while all he could do was look on helplessly.

This was Azul's punishment for attempting to enslave and eradicate the people of Hell City. Watching his former bride-to-be give herself to his sworn enemy.



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