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We welcome suggestions on topics to tackle next time on...well you get it.


2 Assholes with a Mic #1 - Intro to Us

This is sort of a first thing type deal. We're still gonna need improvement, but we're putting it out there. Our Webcomic: http://boobgirl.thecomicseries.com Our Twitters: Jokar216 http://www.twitter.com/Joker216 DankSnowAngel http://www.twitter.com/LadyNova0


The Big_Red_Machine

what were the games/movies/cartoons you watched growing up and what do you think out of those influenced you guys the most today?


How do you feel about the recent change in superhero costume design over at marvel and Dc? Do you think it was right for them to make their costumes less revealing? Is even a "wrong" way to design a superhero.heroine outfit?