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Since the switch to monthly, I've gotten a huge workload in front of me. I didn't realize how big it was until I laid everything out.

This is a sign that some major changes need to be made to the Patreon so that I don't overwork myself and am capable of delivering rewards on time each month.

When I started the Patreon page, all I had to really do was draw my comic, but now I stream every single day and am getting more commissions which add to my workload.

I'm currently working on changes to the reward tiers. Some of you won't like it and some of you will benefit from this.

The first thing I'm going to be implementing is that $1 patrons will no longer get requests. The commission discount will remain, but no more requests. I really value the time and effort I put into my work be them sketches, inks, or full colors and I'm feeling less and less comfortable about giving away art for $1 a month.

I know this will suck for those of you in the $1 tier that are looking forward to a new request next month, but I'm putting a stop to me cheapening my work. Don't worry, it's not like I'll make getting a request impossible for you. Since it's monthly, you're only charged once at the end of the month instead of per update.

Anyhow, I'm going to start outlining the new tiers for the Patreon today. If you don't like it and want to unpledge, then go ahead. If you do like it and want to stay pledged, then do that.


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