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This sketch is the foundation for an upcoming image series/comic called A Mother's Conflict. This will be about Jojo's life when he's not being a superhero and instead is focusing on working at his retail job to lay low from a supervillain team while his friend, Super-Nova, deals with them.

Jojo's evil manager, Alan, hates his guts due to how good Jojo's life is. He finds Jojo to be smug, arrogant, and annoying despite Jojo exhibiting none of these traits. Despite this, Alan continues to bully him by making him stay late and regularly picking fights with him that Jojo never fights back in since he'd couldn't be bothered to deal with paying Alan's medical bills. 

Eventually, Selena will come into play and Alan will begin a seduction that will attempt to fracture Jojo's family from their maternal figure.

Look forward to it.




I’ll definitely stay tumed