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So, I don't know if anybody's aware, but Patreon has changed some things.

Namely, they're going to charge the Patreon fees to the Patrons instead of the creators. They did this in an effort to get the creators more profit, but all it does is put more money in Patreon's pocket and less in mine. This change is unwelcome to not just me, but everybody else who uses Patreon and I've already said my piece in an email urging them to reconsider this change, but that's about all I can do. 

I'll understand if some of you drop your pledges to me as this isn't fair to anybody.

Having said this, I have an announcement regarding my projects.

I'm getting increasingly bored with Trap City and nobody really seems to enjoy it, so I'm pulling the plug and cancelling it.

As far as Boobgirl goes, I'll still do more adventures, but I'm going to do more minis with her instead of having one big episodic storyline. Each mini will be it's own contained thing. 

Think of them like Looney Tunes episodes. There's a narrative that connects each one in theory, but on the surface, it's just episodes of the characters getting into mischief. 

This doesn't mean the end of Joaquin's adventures and Angel's adventures either. I'll do more stuff with them on their own, but my main focus are minis now.

Sorry if anybody legitimately enjoyed Trap City and the episodic narrative of Boobgirl, but this is a change I feel will bring more and better content for everybody that chooses to remain pledged.


Union Jack

Can the trap city comics you’ve already drawn will be release to the public?